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Showing posts from May, 2006

PC Show and Book Expo

There are two expos in Suntec Convention Center, PC Show and Book Expo. Very interesting, for whatever show related to PC, there are lots of people coming for deal. Basically it is just a big sale market, everyone is busy selling and buying. If you want to get a preview of Windows Vista, or technical briefing on Intel latest chips, no way. Book Expo is good. I wrote in another blog there are not enough Chinese bookstores in Singapore, and the selection is not wide. It is wonderful to have such a book expo. So many Chinese books, I even don't know which one to buy! Inside PC Show Escalator inside Suntec Expo

Food Court in Singapore

Singapore has hundreds of food courts located in HDB community, shopping mall, industry park, everywhere. Some are air-conditioned, some are outdoors. Ever since a person can chew, the eating outside has begun. One hand with spoon, another with chopsticks. Many big food court properties are state owned, such as CapitaLand, Keppel Land. To make sure the food variety, no same food style within one food court, but you will find the similar food stalls in every food court, Minced Pork Noodle, Laksa, Rice&Vege, Chicken Rice, HK Roasted, Korean, Japanese, Malay, Indian, ... Too hot to cook at home, and eat outside is economic. 3 or 4 SGD a meal. Even better, free aircon cool. Just one thing, keep healthy food in mind. Kopitiam food court in Jurong Point shopping center.

Best of Singapore View

That is about it. Skyscrapers + Green trees. One city got this view, it is sure a developed country.


这个绝对是新加坡的享誉全球, 历史悠久, 风味独特的一道饭了. 太有名了, 以至于张艾嘉专门拍了部以此为片名的电影. 为什么叫这个名字呢? 大概是从海南下南洋的华人传过去的, 或者是新加坡人在海南吃了以后喜欢的紧, 引进了来. 饭里的东西很简单 - 白切鸡, 鸡汤泡过的米饭, 两片老黄瓜和一碗汤. 那两片老黄瓜是不要指望能吃的. 和炒粿条大同小异, 以吃饱为主, 几乎没有菜. 这两道饭也反射出当初下南洋的华人生活的艰苦. 不过海南鸡饭不象炒粿条那么油腻. 吃起来也是很香的. 更有意思的是, 小朋友们很喜欢. 泡饭鸡肉, 的确对小朋友也很有益. 如果能与时俱进, 改进一下, 配上新鲜蔬菜就更好了.


也算是新加坡的一道风味小吃. 应该是源自福建. 非常新加坡的网站有作法的介绍. 网站说的没错, 真的是给穷人吃的. 炒出来看着黑黑的, 大概是放了很多酱的缘故,油乎乎的. 好吃是很好吃, 但是吃到肚子里象石头一样沉. 我吃了两次, 下午肚子都觉得涨. 坐OFFICE的还是少吃为妙. 做法: 燒熱大油鍋後倒入3/4油或豬油,把火候稍為調小,將蒜茸爆香/炒至呈金黃色。倒入粿條,豆芽和菜心,炒勻大約兩分鐘後推至一旁。在鍋的中央把剩下的油或豬油倒入燒熱後加入蛋液,然后與粿條一起炒。接著加入參巴辣椒醬與粿條,蛋汁一起炒均勻再加入魚露和甜黑醬油將材料一起炒勻大約一、兩分鐘。最後倒入臘腸、蝦肉、熟蘇東和海鮮上湯炒。趁熱上桌。

Who will build the largest observation wheel?

Singapore is planning to build the observation wheel (something like ferris wheel) named Singapore Flyer . The Singapore Flyer is targeted to operate before CNY 2008. Based on wiki, it is 150m in diameter, and 178m high. Beijing also made the same decision, but bigger. The target is before 2008 Olympics. It is 198m in diameter, and high 208m high. Several other countries are in this competition too. Anyway, it is apparently the Asia comes to an era to worship technology, to break engineering world record, and build even more magnificent man-made landmarks in the globe. But, remember one thing, the western did this years ago, and they are happy to participate these prosperous projects.


讲四个30多岁的单身女人在北京寻找爱情的故事。蒋雯丽,那英,梁静,罗海琼。不错。刚看了一集。大陆拍的就是看起来有意思。其实就是大陆版的《涩女郎》, 《Sex and City》。看来女单身的故事就是好看啊。如果拍四个单身男的故事, 不知道是什么个效果。

Frequency of Sex in Singapore - My Analysis

Based on Durex 2004 global sex survey, the French (137), Greeks (133) Hungarians and Serbian and Montenegrins (both 131) are having the most sex, while those in Japan (46), Hong Kong and Singapore (both 79) are the least sexually active. Put the pathetic Jananese aside, HK and Singapore are really two regions share a greate deal of similarities. The weather is hot and humid, and majority of Chinese residents are originally from Guang Zhou and Fu Jian. China's mean value is 90. When the weather is hot and humid, there are two quite opposite effects to male human body. The hot weather does no good to the testicles, human body including sperms are easy to dehydrate and tired. This is negative effect for sure. For the positive aspect, physical attractions are obivious and arousing. Based on the survey, gene plays a vital role.

Mickey Mouse and Sphinx

In a city of China, downtown area, a new theme park was just build. Mickey Mouse is the guardian, and Sphinx is the King. Actually not just in China, even in a developed country such as Singapore, you can see such wonderful design (not joking, just check out Chinese Garden). Something called think big. Oh Yah!



Jurong Point during the weekend

It is a shopping mall near Boon Lay MRT station, the last station to the west. Singaporean love to spend the weekend in the airconditioned shopping mall. Since it is the beginning of Great Singapore Sale, lots of stores are on sale. It is hard to resist the price discount. I bought some 100% cotton wrinkle free shirts - 20% off regular price plus 15% extra off. If you got more time to kill, you can wait in a long queue to participate the lucky draw. Every SGD 11 spend is entitled a token. During the central stage noisy show, the lucky draw winners are awarded. A lady won SGD 11,000 cash! Inside the Liberty supermarket, there are Singapore Pool. Every weekend, people line up to buy lottery to fulfill their dream. Lots of people, music is loud, the noise level is high, it is a place full of energy. Line for lottery

Great Singapore Sale 2006 begins!

Great Singapore Sale 2006 starts today. It will last about 2 months. I heard about this event last year when I arrived Singapore. Lots of discounts and promotions. That's why I saw two ladies colleagues back this afternoon carrying Takashimaya's bags. They must go there for a head start.


动不动就过百万啊. 如果没BLOG这玩意儿, 我们去哪才能这么放心的偷窥呢? 汤加丽本身就是文艺人, 也就罢了. 另一个二月丫头的, 生生就是半露酥胸的在网络上火起来了哈.

受不了你了, 笑眯眯的Mona Lisa

因为Da Vinci Code电影的热烈反响, 突然Mona Lisa 又热的不得了了. 估计今天最流行的女人又是她了. 去书店, 以她为封面的书摆在最显眼的地方. 一大推的Mona Lisa象苍蝇眼睛中的图像, 在注视着你. 电视里, 不管是什么台, 探索, 综合新闻, 到处都在作广告, Mona Lisa和最后的晚餐在你眼前晃来晃去. 好象全世界都是Jesus的信徒, 都关心这背后的故事真假的很. Who cares!

Some infamous famous brands

If you travel to middle or small cities, where nobody knows about LV, Ralph Lauren, Hermes, in the locale store, you will most likely find some brands - Goldlion, Pierre Cardin, Valentino, and Crocodile. It is hard to tell the merchandizes are authentic or mock up. The Crocodile brand itself is a shameless mock up of Lacoste. Suddenly from nowhere around 90's, the government officials love to wear this casual jacket. We saw a lot on CCTV programs. My inlaws even bought a Crocodile jacket for me. Unfortunately the logo looks like crocodile, the brand is SquirrelFish. I guess the designer knew something about IP, and got this idea when he ate a famous Chinese dish. The enormous Chinese rural and undeveloped urban market is the best place to sell these junks.

Nokia 6020 Camera

I have been using Singtel mobile service over a year. Not very useful for me. Just pay the service fee every month. After one year in contract, I am entitled to upgrade the phone. After trade in the old phone, and get this Nokia 6020 for just SGD 40. The camera only gets VGA quality. Nothing to compain for such a price. Tried the camera and MMS email functions.

Licensed to Watch Public TV?!

Give me a break. What kind of stupid license this is! Pay SGD 110 every year to just watch public air TV. Ridiculous! What public TV program is so expensive? Porn? This license is unfair, unclear, unjustified. Residential TV Licence A TV Licence is required if you operate or have, on any premise owned or occupied by you, TV sets or any equipment that is capable of receiving broadcasting services. The TV Licence is valid for a calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December and is renewable on a yearly basis thereafter. The annual licence fee is S$110. For new TV Licences that are applied for in any part of the year after 1 January, the licence fee payable will be pro-rated from the date of application to 31 December. If the TV Licence is taken up between 1 November and 31 December, the licence fee payable will be pro-rated to 31 December of the following year, i.e. it will be inclusive of the following year's licence fee as well....


想起来也挺奇怪的, 本来是陌生人, 隔着十万八千里的, 因为结婚, 突然就多了很多亲戚. 刚结婚那会儿, 去了老婆家一趟, 大家都客客气气的, 也不太熟悉. 她们家在东北的一个林业部的企业, 也和许多东北的国有企业一样, 处于破产的状态. 家属院里老人多, 估计年轻人都跑出去寻生计了. 因为处于市郊, 地方到是宽敞, 有的人还种了菜, 果树, 养了猪, 牛. 不象工厂, 到别有一番乡村的风味. 岳父是十几岁就开始学徒工作, 典型的东北人. 爱喝酒爱抽烟爱说话. 特别爱说话. 东北人叫瞎白活. 干活真是没的说. 从日常生活中的修修补补的几个小事儿就看的出来. 刚开放那会儿, 带着人出去做工程, 也赚了些钱. 当时大家刚买黑白的时候, 她家已经买了彩色电视机. 赚了钱, 当然大家嫉妒, 厂里就要求他回来, 岳父岳母也觉得待在国家的企业里是长久之计, 后来在厂里当了副厂长. 不过大形式变了, 国家的企业也不再是铁饭碗了. 岳母是师专毕业. 在她那个年代, 也算不简单了. 毕业就去了厂里的子弟学校. 后来慢慢厂里的学生越来越少. 老师也都四处活动调走了. 她也可以调到市里教育局所属的学校. 不过受了老毛的教育, 想问题都是一个模式. 还是待在厂里. 慢慢厂里的老师要下岗, 她还主动让了机会给比她年轻的. 不过最后那个年轻的老师也下了. 有时侯说到她的同学, 有的在北京当了什么高级教师, 教育部门的干部, 有的调到市里, 在重点学校里也吃香的很. 他们本着这么一个思维, 觉得国有企业是长久之计. 把双方的老人也接了来, 兄弟姐妹的也想办法调了过来. 去年厂子终于要被买断了. 就是划拉划拉, 便宜处理了. 然后国家社会买主给厂里的工人一笔小钱. 后来接触也渐渐的多了. 我想有着大多数这个年龄的中国人的特色把. 勤劳, 善良, 节省, 爱手洗衣服, 吃剩的不愿意倒掉, 爱做油乎乎的食品, 关心菜的价格, 不愿意花钱. 几十年下来, 也不会轻易改变了.

Windows Updates keeps reminding MDAC patch KB832483

On one Windows 2000 SP4 Server, Windows Updates keeps reminding me one update is downloaded and ready to be installed. It is KB832483 about MDAC security patches. It is very annoying. I searched on the Internet. Tried several ways - modify the registry on different place, manually run the patches. Nothing works. I download Component Checker tools to check the MDAC version. It reports UNKNOWN. Hmm...Something wrong here. To get it fixed, I installed the latest MDAC 2.8 SP1. After reboot, Windows Updates reminds new update KB911562. And the annoying problem is gone.


吴宇森昏头了. 这赤壁之战的电影非砸了不可. 大乔小乔什么人物? 林志玲这样电线杆似的棍来演实在是不对味. 周迅不错. 侯佩岑也不错. 烦死这家伙了. 看不出什么路子. 暂时定位端庄淑女玩风骚型. 从马上摔下来后人气大衰, 但是不甘心. 四处乱窜.


世界上正式使用简化中文的国家就两个, 中国和新加坡. 但是新加坡的日常对话用语和中国还是有区别的. 好象是四.五十年前的下南洋的华人带来的华文. 听起来有历史的味道. 当然交流肯定是没问题. 举几个例子. 中国人说, "吃了吗?". 新加坡人说, "吃饱了吗?". 中国人说, "开车". 新加坡人说, "驾车". 中国人说, "坐车". 新加坡人说, "搭车". 中国人说, "去电影院看电影". 新加坡人说, "去戏院看戏". 中国人说, "星期一". 新加坡人说, "拜一". 中国人说, "九点一刻". 新加坡人说, "九点三个字".


又复习了一遍. 突然想起我上中学的时候, 还真的听过贾平凹做的报告呢. 只记得一个细节. 一个年轻的女老师上去献花, 竟然怀春般的脸红了. 他讲的什么现在也不记的了. 这个 当时也算是喧起了国内盗版的高潮. 那些个口口口口口口口, 当时还以为是盗版弄的咧. 里头的主线 - 庄之蝶和牛月清, 唐宛儿, 柳月, 阿口的一段口口口口口口口. 支线就多了, 什么四大文化闲人, 和旧情人的一段官司,会思想的奶牛, 风骚的尼姑, 会说段子的老头. 不过都没什么意思了.

The Most Beautiful Chick Blogger Contest in China

Finalists are as below. The winner is out. Guess who? (Third row last one) See This is just another stupid show in the unsettled city.

Millenia Walk美女妈妈竞赛

周末在Millenia Walk偶然看到一个美女妈妈竞赛. 16个入围选手. 从二十几到四十几岁. 有华人, 印度人, 典型的东南亚人. 其中一个华人姐姐, 巨象关之琳. 一个印度姐姐, 简直就是Halle Berry. 看到的是才艺表演. 有插花, 书法, 讲故事, 当然最多的是跳舞. 有一个跳Belly Dance的, 扭腰扭肚, 真是诱人. 熟女有熟女的风姿啊.

KING KONG - Monstrous Ape with New Doll

First of all, let me try to understand why in the 1930's, there is still such a mysterious Skull Island with so many over-sized animals, even dinosaurs! One theory is dinosaurs are extincted by asteroid collision, and the following long foggy weather. Following this theory, Skull Island must be right in another axle point against the hit spot. The collision power was mostly absorbed by the globe. The Island is also the thinnest point of fog. So they survived. King Kong and other monstrous apes are among the most mighty and smartest animals in this island. The barbaric natives worship and sacrifice for Kong and his relatives. In return, Kong protected the natives from other predators. The natives look scary, but they just eat dried fishes. Everything is under the balance, until the crew of white movie makers come. By that moment, Kong is the only one left. He has the lonely and deserted feeling for sure. Remember one scene he sits with Ann to view sunset? That is the home and tomb...

Danny the Dog, a.k.a. Unleashed

Jet Li's 2005 movie. I think this movie is banned in China because the role of Jet Li. Danny (Jet Li) was raised up by the murder who killed his mom, a Chinese pianist. Danny was trained as a bulldog, to fight and kill for his master. Danny wears a dog collar. When his collar is unleashed, he is told to deadly fight. The fight scene is brutal. Jet Li's movies in Hollywood are violent, and mostly related to gangsters life. Romeo Must Die, Kiss of the Dragon, Cradle 2 the Grave.

Wild Wild Wet

Splash! Wild Wild Wet water park is located at downtown East, which means east of Tampines New Town, not Singapore city downtown east. It is almost nearby Changi Airport. Lucky for those east residents. We live in west have to drive a long way to get there. It is definitely a fun place to go in such a hot weather. Water playground for small kids, children. Simulated Wall's Tsunami, tube slides, drifting river. I got a bleeding nose maybe because of sneezing the water in the nose. The park staffs are very friendly and helpful. Very professional. Around 3 PM, the thunderstorm comes. Everyone rushed out of park. The adult price is SGD 16 something, kid for SGD 8.80. A small IC card called Funkey is accepted everywhere around this area.

新加坡, 少了点东西.

在新加坡真的体会到了什么是芸芸众生 , 熙熙攘攘, 皆为利来, 皆为利往. 其实大多数人也赚不了多少钱, 忙忙碌碌的象蚂蚁蜜蜂差不多. MD, 下午竟然6点才下班. 小孩子也很可怜, 天麻麻亮就爬了起来去上学, 戴眼睛的比例很高. 新加坡据说要象瑞士学习. 但是我观察大多数人的生活水准, 特别是那些大叔大妈的状况, 还差的很远把. 不只一次听电台的电话CALLIN抱怨什么国富民穷. 大选前每人发个几百块, 也好象有点急功近利了点. 不过大家的耐心和次序也很好. 看看那些周末买彩票的队伍就知道了. 更奇怪是, 这么一个发达国家, 竟然没有什么知名的作家, 导演, 除了几个歌手, 也跑到台湾香港发展. 李敖说新加坡人笨, 有点意思.

Motorcyclist in Singapore

In a perfect world, motorcycle owns the same road right as car. In real, it is all messed up by motorcyclists in Singapore. They ride in between the lane, not in the lane. When traffic is heavy, they swing and wiggle in front the cars. Now the only right for them becomes the thin space between the lane. If some motorcyclists drive in the lane, which is nothing wrong, car drivers usually will push them to the "right" space without any courtesy. Car drives also need take extra caution when changing lane. Watch out the motorcycle. It is small and more likely stays in blind zone.

Online USA Shopping with vPost

Singapore Post has a new service called vPost . The ideal is you register a virtual USA shipping address with SingPost. Go online shopping, for example, Amazon, and ask Amazon to send items to your virtual USA address first. SingPost vPost will then ship them in a cheaper price back to your real physical Singapore address. Why use it? Because some items you just can get it in Singapore, or some USA online stores don't do international shipping. As a try, I registered with vPost and got one virtual address as xxxxxx 2960 E Victoria St Compton, CA 90221 United States Go to Amazon, bought 3 DVDs - two from Amazon directly, one from Amazon 3rd party. The order was put on Apr 14. Until this point, you shop just as if you are located in USA. USA side shipping, tax applies. As requested, the order receipt was forward to vPost. This order somehow adds a level of complexity. Since there are 2 separated shipping items, vPost will wait until receive them all. Around May 3 or 4, both items arr...

谍中谍III (M:i:III)真好看, 但是疑问也不少

M:i:III 里头的三个高潮真是爽 , 营救同事 , 半路劫囚车 , 还有在上海浦东的摩天大厦偷 ” 兔子脚 ”, 看得人手心出汗 , 心跳加速 . 不过最后有点虎头蛇尾 , 而且也没什么悬念了 . 从故事情节的设计上来讲 , 还是 M:i:I 老大 . M:i:I 里面蜘蛛人偷东西的那段戏 , 也成了个经典 . M:i:III 里猜也猜的出来怎么回事 . 而且小汤也太神勇了点 , 简直就是神啊 . 好在 M:i:III 比 M:i:II 好看多了 . 吴宇森差点悔了这个系列 . M:i:II 就记得里面的慢镜头和白鸽了 . 看到 M:i:III 里面上海的夜貌 , 也觉得满长脸的 . 里头的街戏如果是在中国实景拍摄的 , 那中国电影场景的调度管理也算不错了 . 看过了疑问也不少 . 首先就是在梵蒂冈抢了 ” 兔子脚 ” 的箱子 , 半路劫囚车 , 也没交代怎么回事 , 箱子突然就跑到了中国的军方背景的公司了 . 如果中国公司里的是另一个 ” 兔子脚 ”, 那原来的那个呢 ? 抓到这么一个宾拉登级别的恐怖主义军火商 , 实在令人难以相信 , 押运人员会这么大张旗鼓 , 还走一个交通繁忙的高速桥 , 生怕别人不来劫囚车似的 . 美国也不知道怎么不济 , 竟然战斗机 , 武装直升机的就在高速公路上打了起来 .


徐静蕾真是个人精啊. 新浪开博客, 请了一帮子名人来捧场. 徐静蕾的博客开了十几天, 点击率就过了百万. 这不, 已经成了世界排行第一的博客了. 还拿着博客的东西出了本书. 博客这玩意, 国内也有叫网络日志, FT, 现在还有人叫部落格, 什么JB翻译, 音不音, 意不意的. 看她的博客, 内容平平淡淡的, 不妖艳, 不自夸, 真的让读的人觉得放松, 让静盟及时掌握自己盟主的行踪. 人气+才气, 又是个美女, 不火才怪.


这两个小乌龟, 本来和两条小琵琶鱼住在一起. 倒也相安无事. 今天放了一只大金鱼进去. 两个小乌龟可是一点不含糊, 上去就咬. 三下五除二, 就把大金鱼的大尾巴咬的稀里哗啦的. 原来捞的小鱼, 见了大金鱼也敢咬. 那两条小琵琶鱼如果关了灯, 也敢追着大金鱼. 金鱼这样的动物, 估计在自然界是没法生存的了.

Singapore Parliamentary Election Day

Today is Singapore parliamentary election day. People's Action Party (PAP) is the party running the government ever since the independence. Singapore's tiny opposition parties have never won more than four seats in parliament. The logos of PAP and opposition party Worker's Party, both are very simple and clear to deliver the parties' image.

Uber burger

The ultimated burger store, where SGD 101 burger is sold. A burger for SGD 101. Jeez! The store is located at Time Square, not in NYC, but nearby Suntec Expo. It is a hip-hop restaurant, playing black singers loudly. The seats where we sat are not comfortable. Sure it is not as generous as the burger. So don't go together with too many people. The menu is very special. Big and long, bind together with screw. The price is marked funny - such as 6teen. The burger is good, but overpriced.

MSDN Technical Briefing

The technical topics about Microsoft WPF - Windows Presentation Foundation (formerly code named "Avalon"), and WCF - Windows Communication Foundation (formerly code-named "Indigo"). The demo about WPF is really amazing. It looks so similar to current Mac OS X GUI fast and smooth rendering, those crystal and flip flop things. One thing for sure you will need a powerful GPU and GRAM to fully enjoy them. For whatever reason, the demo is buzzed by now and then the Windows XP Error Reporting dialog. Another interesting security topic is InfoCard. Something looks like virtual wallet with credit cards. My suggestion, before the demo, disable this XP feature by clicking Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Error Reporting.

renovation singapore

singapore was once among the four small dragons of asian because of its gdp growth in 70's. it was famous for its strict law and beautiful garden city. the image is still there in foreign people's mind, but fading away little by little as other asian counties catching up. i was once in this country because of this allusion. the reality is, the city is tiny, hot and humid all year long. orchard road, marina bay are nice, but many hdb blocks are crowded and old. the food courts inside are dirty. people there are not happy. you can always hear call-ins on the radio complaining country is rich, people are poor. private apartments are expensive. owning a car is a luxury. the thinkmind is still in the era of lee kuan yew. governors should be paid high to keep them efficient and disciplined (a million singapore dollar annual salary for minister), while ordinary people should work long hours with low pay, leisure activity is grocery shopping (all-look-the-same malls, the escape theme p...

Fish & Co

Fish & Co is a chain restaurant specialized in seafood, mainly in fried slice fish. The lunch set is SGD 16.99, comes with a starter, a main course and a drink. So I ordered fish nuggets as starter, best fish & chips as main course, and a fruit drink. Fish nuggets are fried fish meat. Fish & chips are a slice of fried fish with some fries. Should it be called fish & fries? Just a whole bunch of high cholesterol fried food. Nothing special.

Visit Yahoo! Singapore

The office is located at China Square Central , nearby Chinatown MRT station. Like many big cities, it is easier to walk than drive. So many one way direction roads. After driving in a circle, I am looking for China Street. The road sign is so f**king small, with light green texts on white background. When I saw it, I already passed it. In the lift, I met a girl who is also coming to Yahoo!Singapore. Apparently she is in a hyperactive mode.


因为过劳动节, 想起了小时候在厂里住平房的日子. 那时候工厂属于四机部, 主要做军品雷达什么的, 旱涝保收. 不过那时候, 中国的哪家工厂不是旱涝保收呢. 工厂里什么都有, 学校,商店,幼儿园,电影院, 澡堂. 职工住的都是一排排的平房, 象部队营房的样子. 每一排叫一栋. 三五栋之间, 共用一个厕所和自来水池. 每家的房子都一样, 从门进去, 三间屋子, 一条道看到最里头的房间. 一般最里头的房间就是现在说的主人房, 家里的黑白电视, 缝纫机, 大衣柜之类值钱的东西都在那儿. 中间的屋子最暗, 大小也就刚够放个单人床. 最外面的起厨房和储藏室的作用, 放的乱七八糟的. 一般还不够用, 就接着门口该个小砖棚, 放煤啊冻大白菜什么的. 天热也可以用来当厨房, 省的屋里热. 每栋之间一条马路, 马路的另一边, 也属于你的. 可以种些花花草草的. 记忆最清晰的,一种叫地雷花, 开花结籽, 籽象个手雷的样子. 一种叫夜来香, 白天闻不到, 晚上乘凉, 真的花香四溢. 到了下午吃饭的点, 家家户户都搬桌子出来吃. 吃完饭, 年龄想仿的小朋友就疯玩了起来. 住在一栋的邻居, 关系都很好. 不过也有吵架的时候. 当然也有父母教训打骂孩子. 热热闹闹的. 工人们的社会地位也高, 工资都差不多, 也用不着嫉妒不平衡. 日子也过得自在, 中午工人还都回来睡个午觉. 慢慢的楼房就起来了, 平房越拆越少. 我也因为考到了市重点, 搬到市里去住了. 但是大家多年住下来的关系还在. 常常八卦一下住一栋房子的谁谁家怎么样啦之类的.