I have been using Singtel mobile service over a year. Not very useful for me. Just pay the service fee every month. After one year in contract, I am entitled to upgrade the phone. After trade in the old phone, and get this Nokia 6020 for just SGD 40. The camera only gets VGA quality. Nothing to compain for such a price. Tried the camera and MMS email functions.
singleton Scopes the bean definition to a single instance per Spring container (default). prototype Allows a bean to be instantiated any number of times (once per use). request Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP request. Only valid when used with a web capable Spring context (such as with Spring MVC). session Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP session. Only valid when used with a webcapableSpring context (such as with Spring MVC). global-session Scopes a bean definition to a global HTTP session. Only valid when used in a portlet context.
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