Based on Durex 2004 global sex survey, the French (137), Greeks (133) Hungarians and Serbian and Montenegrins (both 131) are having the most sex, while those in Japan (46), Hong Kong and Singapore (both 79) are the least sexually active. Put the pathetic Jananese aside, HK and Singapore are really two regions share a greate deal of similarities. The weather is hot and humid, and majority of Chinese residents are originally from Guang Zhou and Fu Jian. China's mean value is 90.
When the weather is hot and humid, there are two quite opposite effects to male human body. The hot weather does no good to the testicles, human body including sperms are easy to dehydrate and tired. This is negative effect for sure. For the positive aspect, physical attractions are obivious and arousing.
Based on the survey, gene plays a vital role.
When the weather is hot and humid, there are two quite opposite effects to male human body. The hot weather does no good to the testicles, human body including sperms are easy to dehydrate and tired. This is negative effect for sure. For the positive aspect, physical attractions are obivious and arousing.
Based on the survey, gene plays a vital role.
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