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Stuck on Mac OS X El Capitan upgrade?

I have an old Macbook Air (2011) in dust. After command+R to reinstall the OS. OS X Lion (10.7) is installed. The version is too old and not compatible with many applications. I need further upgrade the OS.  In App Store, I saw OS X El Capitan (10.11) in my purchased tab. Downloaded and started the upgrade with the following errors. Hmm... "OS X could not be installed on your computer. No packages were eligible for install" Find the solution online. Since it is an old OS version, Apple has a check to prevent the installation if your computer's system time is much newer, like 2020. To bypass 1. Restart and enter recovery mode with command + R 2. Open terminal, and set the date to an old one, such as date -u 1010101015 (meaning Oct 10, 10:10AM, 2015). Disable network wifi if necessary to prevent date gets updated. 3. Click Reinstall macOS  . I can't remember the exact steps after step 2 -- did I restart the Macbook after step 2 or take this step 3? So please try restart



The Yellow Sea

A twisted and bloody hitman story - a troubled Chinese yanbian minority guy goes for a one-way trip to Seoul to kill a man, so he can pay out his debt and find his wife. The plan goes way out of control, and becomes a dog fight. 

Final Result Unreleased

During the application of one of the China universities, after some status such as "Submitted", "Under Review", "Pass the Preliminary Review", it was updated with a status called "Final Result Unreleased". The waiting of final result was suffering. As I googled around, some say it is a status with uncertaincy - the final result could be rejected or accepted. some say it is a good sign - the overall academic review is passed. The applicant is under final review of scholarship. I got so confused and worried, and actually called the university. The teacher replied that "Final Result Unreleased" generally means so far so good, just wait for the final decision, but, but, ... she couldn't guarantee anything about it. So after the call, I was still worried. It turned out to be a good sign :) 

New Regulation of China College Application for International Student

A new regulation was announced on June 2nd, 2020 by MOE China. The new rule mainly targets the student who was borned in a foreign country with bornright citizenship, but takes entire high school studies in mainland China. Under the new regulation, such student is not qualified for China university application as an internaltiona student anymore. He/she has to spend at least 2 years outside of China out of 4 years duration upon the application. The regulation will be in effect on Jan 1st, 2021. Please refer to the source at  


因为我爷爷去世的比较早,父亲作为家里的长兄,很早就担负起了家庭的重担,在学习之余,父亲还去火车站做临时搬运工,扛大包,赚钱来补贴家用。我对父亲的工作内容并不太了解,但回想起来,印象中有几件事让我对父亲充满的敬佩。八十年代初,秦岭发生了特大洪水,我父亲一直坚守在抗洪抢险第一线,直到膝盖负伤才回来休息。八十年代末,父亲又为了援助建设突尼斯水电工程,外派出差两年之久,把中国的水利水电技术带到北非。父亲在退休前有段时间,经常上山下乡去指导农村的小水电建设,长期的山路颠簸也引发了他椎间盘突出的毛病。 父亲对家庭也倾注了很大的心血。我们的家庭是严父慈母类型。父亲的话不多,君子纳于言而敏于行,父亲以他的行动指导了我姐和我的人生准则,使我们终生受益。父母的爱是和风细雨的,从日常生活的一点一滴体现出来。在我们高中阶段,为了让我姐和我专心学习,每天中午父亲都要骑车赶回家给我们做午饭。有一次我在回家路上看到他急匆匆地骑车往家赶,他并没有看到我,但我到现在还记得那份感动。还有一段美好的记忆如此生动地刻在我的脑海里。那是一个风和日丽的初夏休息日,我父亲三十多岁,风华正茂,骑着他的自行车,前面带着我,后面坐着我姐,从清姜大坡飞一般地骑下来。

Hadoop and Spark Setup

#get centos container git pull centos #start centos with port mapping docker run -d -p 8088:8088 -p 9870:9870 --name "centos" -i centos #access centos docker exec -it centos /bin/bash #download the instructions wget cd /tmp tar xzvf Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0.tgz #follow the instructions in /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.2/NOTES.txt to setup hadoop, pig, hive a few catches * adjust the JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_HOME accordingly based on your installation * modify HADOOP_PATH in the script under /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.2/scripts * check if logs under /opt/hadoop-3.2.0/ is created * after hadoop 3.0.0, the namenode port is 9870 instead of 50070 * before running yarn, set the YARN_CONF_LIB export YARN_CONF_LIB=/opt/hadoop-3.2.0/etc/hado