#get centos container
git pull centos
#start centos with port mapping
docker run -d -p 8088:8088 -p 9870:9870 --name "centos" -i centos
#access centos
docker exec -it centos /bin/bash
#download the instructions
wget https://www.clustermonkey.net/download/LiveLessons/Hadoop_Fundamentals/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0.tgz
cd /tmp
tar xzvf Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0.tgz
#follow the instructions in /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.2/NOTES.txt to setup hadoop, pig, hive
a few catches
* adjust the JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_HOME accordingly based on your installation
* modify HADOOP_PATH in the script hadoop-setup-script.sh under /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.2/scripts
* check if logs under /opt/hadoop-3.2.0/ is created
* after hadoop 3.0.0, the namenode port is 9870 instead of 50070
* before running yarn, set the YARN_CONF_LIB
export YARN_CONF_LIB=/opt/hadoop-3.2.0/etc/hadoop
##follow the instructions in /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.3/NOTES.txt to setup spark
git pull centos
#start centos with port mapping
docker run -d -p 8088:8088 -p 9870:9870 --name "centos" -i centos
#access centos
docker exec -it centos /bin/bash
#download the instructions
wget https://www.clustermonkey.net/download/LiveLessons/Hadoop_Fundamentals/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0.tgz
cd /tmp
tar xzvf Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0.tgz
#follow the instructions in /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.2/NOTES.txt to setup hadoop, pig, hive
a few catches
* adjust the JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_HOME accordingly based on your installation
* modify HADOOP_PATH in the script hadoop-setup-script.sh under /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.2/scripts
* check if logs under /opt/hadoop-3.2.0/ is created
* after hadoop 3.0.0, the namenode port is 9870 instead of 50070
* before running yarn, set the YARN_CONF_LIB
export YARN_CONF_LIB=/opt/hadoop-3.2.0/etc/hadoop
##follow the instructions in /tmp/Hadoop_Spark_Fundamentals_Code_Notes-V3.0/Lesson-2/Lesson-2.3/NOTES.txt to setup spark