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感觉现在海归还是挺多的. 如果打算长期定居, 就需要办理户口或者居住证(如果户籍不在工作地)之类的, 直接的好处就是公司给交住房公积金什么的, 没有户口或者居住证是不行的.当然还有孩子上学什么的限制. 万里长征第一步, 就是回国前别忘记在我大使馆教育处办理留学人员回国证明. 一张薄薄的纸, 手写加盖红章. 回国后, 就可以开始办理国外学历认证. 官方网站是, 海外人才网的缩写啦. 先在教育部官方认证站点 注册登记. 收到邮件通知, 代齐材料, 坐地铁2号线, 在东昌路下, 从3号口出, 找乐凯大厦, 上5楼就是上海海外人才服务中心. 网上的流程提到所有的材料都要去指定的翻译机构翻译. 如果想省时间少出错, 翻译这步可以跳过. 可以通过上海海外人才服务中心代理, 大概花费900元, 其中有1/3是代理费, 但是绝对值得的. 我是12月中交的材料, 1月中收到邮件通知开始认证, 2月初邮件通知结束认证. 证书从北京寄到上海, 名单可以在海外人才网查. 2月中去乐凯大厦提货.

Taxi with C license plate

Taxi in Shanghai can have all kinds of license plate number - B, C, D, E.... Among them C is special. This kind of taxi is only for local area, prohibited on many places such as airport, highway, main street, city. This morning I took a taxi with such plate number. Normally the trip time is less than 10minutes, with fare 14 CNY. Because this taxi can't go by main street, it took me almost 20 minutes, with fare 19 CNY, even the starting fare is 2 CNY cheaper than normal taxi. Why such stupid schema exists, especially for taxi?


每年一度的人口大迁徙有开始了。什么交通工具都紧张,大家谈论最多的也是交流买票信息。其实过年就是大家凑在一起吃,不停的吃,中间的间歇用来消化一下, 醒醒酒,几天的假一眨眼就过去了。不过总算早上不用起来上班,就很幸福了。阴冷的冬天也快过去了,越来越多的美女开始迫不及待的展现自我。

Babel, the movie

Some movies are just brilliant. This is one of them. It seems that they are totally seperated people in this world, speaking in different languages - English, Spanish, Japanese, and some northern african language. However, they are actually linked in some ways, and share the same feeling as human being. I guess this is the part where Babel for. Very touching.

Talk Show in US

By definition, talk show is a program where a group of people come together to discuss various topics led by a talk show host on TV or radio. However, the most popular TV talk shows in US are more or less in a one-man-show style. The host himself or herself becomes the celebrity and focus, shown up in Hollywood movies as ‘host’ now and then. The program covers anything, including politicians (president, Bush is the most favorite these years, state governor, congressmen), celebrities from Hollywood, Wall Street, and everyday bizarre news, mostly in comedy sketches. Some TV talk shows • The Tonight Show with Jay Leno – Fun fact, Jay Leno on eBay with userid jayleno-harley. The Harley Davidson was sold for $800,100 to raise money for the 2004 tsunami. • Oprah – The highest rated talk show in US, the target audiences are desperate housewives, to lift their spirits. The show has such a huge influence, a book mentioned in her show can rapidly become bookselling blockbuster from nowhere. In o

Google News in China doesn't look correct

The related antibody news sure is very scary 患者丙肝抗体阳性与佰易涉嫌产品有关联 人民网 江苏省全面清查佰易问题球蛋白 新华网江苏频道 On Google News China version, the top focus news is this one. The subject is something related to antibody in Chinese, but it is metaphor style here, real meaning is to take precaution. The content and side picture is even more interesting. Totally nonsense.