每年一度的人口大迁徙有开始了。什么交通工具都紧张,大家谈论最多的也是交流买票信息。其实过年就是大家凑在一起吃,不停的吃,中间的间歇用来消化一下, 醒醒酒,几天的假一眨眼就过去了。不过总算早上不用起来上班,就很幸福了。阴冷的冬天也快过去了,越来越多的美女开始迫不及待的展现自我。
singleton Scopes the bean definition to a single instance per Spring container (default). prototype Allows a bean to be instantiated any number of times (once per use). request Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP request. Only valid when used with a web capable Spring context (such as with Spring MVC). session Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP session. Only valid when used with a webcapableSpring context (such as with Spring MVC). global-session Scopes a bean definition to a global HTTP session. Only valid when used in a portlet context.
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