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MPG Training

I attended a MPG -- Managing Personal Growth--training program. It takes 2 days and costs USD350. My company paied for it and I don't need work during these 2 days. The MPG program asks the trainee to identify the top 5 values from the list (Achievement, Advancement, Adventure, Competitiveness, Cooperation, Creativity, Economic Security, Fame, Family Happiness, Freedom, Friendship, Health, Helpfulness, Inner Harmony, Integrity, Involvement, Loyalty, Order, Personal Development, Pleasure, Power, Recognition, Responsibility, Self Respect, Spirituality, Wealth, and Wisdom), and align them with your job. Ideally, after these 5 values are indentified, it becomes easy to make decision based on them. I really doubt a person can stick to the same 5 values as circumstances change.

Crossing Life

Living in apartments are common, in big cities. We hardly know our neighbors in the same floor, not to say those living upstairs and downstairs. Maybe some polite greetings in elevators. That's all. Sometimes, we get a chance to meet the upstairs. Not in a pleasant way though. My direclty-above neighbor(s) gets up early than me. Strange enough, there often is 1 or 2 minutes chopping noise right above my head. So referred as strange, because it happens in bedroom, not in kitchen. This morning I was waken up at 5 AM by such noise. In order to make sure it was from the upstairs, I actually went outside and spotted that the only light on is on top of my bedroom. Nobody else wake up so early! I knocked at the door. A 30-year-old lady opened the door. Surprisingly, she denied she had made any such kind of noise. Well, WTF. I know she knows what I am talking about. Next time, I won't be so nice.


(一)一个年轻美貌的英语老师上课, 叫学生们ABC. 让大家跟着念。老师发现有个学生不念B. 就问他为什么。 学生说,“妈妈说, B不是个好词,不让我说“。 老师说,”你妈妈的B和老师的B不是一个B. 你妈妈的B是用来骂人的。我的这个B是外国人用的“。 (二)有一对双胞胎。一个叫出来,一个叫进去。出来有一个游艇。进去有一个体弱多病的老婆。有一天,出来的游艇沉到海里了。祸不单行。不久进去的老婆也死了。一天出来在街上逛,一位进去的朋友碰见他, 以为是进去。就表示了一下同情。 朋友说,”咳,听说她不在了“。 出来说,”我早就知道它要出问题。前面裂了个缝。后面破了个洞。还常漏水。前一阵还被朋友借去用个几天“。 第一个笑话是电视上看的。费玉清看见下面观众里学生不少, 讲了这个笑话。 第二个是新加坡97.2FM广播里讲的。

Take photos in the dark without flash

When it gets dark, it is always hard to take photos. With flash or not, the image sucks. So, this new innovation looks very promising. First Nanotechnology-Based Image Sensor Debuts in the United States at CES LAS VEGAS, NV -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 01/05/2006 -- Planet82 Inc., a global leader of nanotechnology, announced today the first U.S. demonstration of its innovative and highly sensitive image sensor, Single Carrier Modulation Photo Detector (SMPD), which uses nanotechnology to enable cameras to take high resolution photos or video in the dark -- without a flash.

Buy Book in Singapore

Not easy nor satisfying. There are just a few chain bookstores around Singapore, for example, Popular bookstore, Times bookstore. After lunch today, I find a bookstore through the category of Marina Square mall . I go there and find out it has gone out of business. It pretty much shows the situation in Singapore. The titles in bookstores are very limited. The selections are far far way behind US bookstores (e.g. B&N, Borders), or China bookstores/malls. Take Popular bookstore as an example, 80% of its items are school textbooks and references, and pens/notebooks stuff. Part of the store is for magazines and CDs. In the very small IT section, most titles are user guides for XP, Mac, Photoshop and Acrobat. Online bookstore is also far behind. It is reasonable as same as other online shopping business. Singapore is so small, why shop online?


新加坡2月16日上演 , 而且不是全岛院线, 只是在几个电影院上映. 电影也定到了最限制级R21. 到了此刻, 假8项奥斯卡提名, 4项金球大奖, 已是好评如潮, 气势如虹了, 导演又是才华横溢, 温文尔雅的李安, 岂有不看的道理. 新加坡的英文对白电影大都加了中文字幕, 德州口音虽然不好懂, 到也不影响理解. 真是一部好电影. 两个牛仔的感情故事, 娓娓道来, 行云流水般的. 李安把他对东方美学的理解, 淡淡的细腻的忧伤的美, 自然的融合于美丽而广袤的美国西部旷野之中. Rodrigo Prieto的摄影也是神来之笔. 在他手下, 山和水都象是通了人性, 生动了起来. 本来同志题材的电影, 没有好的驾驭能力, 很容易给观众尴尬甚至可笑的感觉. 这部电影, 观众最后应该都被两人之间的情感故事所触动了把. 电影本身讲的是两个牛仔跨越二十多年的情感故事. 因为社会的传统, 两人都娶妻生子. 但是在分开四年后又见面时, 真正藏在内心的自然感情又迸发了出来. Jack知道自己需要的是什么, Ennis则更加矛盾, 内心充满了挣扎, 在自然的人和社会的人之间游离. Ennis因为从小成长的环境, 显的更加孤寂和矛盾, 对自己的欲望充满了否定. 也许不是在几乎与世隔绝的断背山上, 他也永远不会爱上另外一个牛仔. 电影从另一个角度解读了人和人之间的爱. 很多时候, 不只是同性恋, 还有很多因为各种各样于周围的社会不融合, 非主流, 甚至逆流的原因, 使得情感更加脆弱而珍贵, 坚持也更加艰难. 很多时候, 人对抗社会的力量又显的那么微不足道. 当Ennis去访问Jack童年的家, 从一个隐蔽黑暗的角落里, 发现Jack和Ennis在断背山时穿的两件衬衫, 里外挂在一起的时候, 电影要表达的东西, 也在这两件衬衫上淋漓尽致的表达出来了.

Safari is mean and lean for blogger

When try to post a blog in Safari, the GUI is very basic comparing to Firefox/IE in Windows XP. The toolbar just has 'Check Spelling' and 'Add Image' 2 buttons, not a whole bunch of html rich buttons in Firefox/IE. Click 'Check Spelling' button, the popup window doesn't work as it should at all. At the bottom, there is no 'Post and Comment Options' toolbar in Safari. Safari itself so far is the best web browser in Apple. For a blogger, Safari still has some spaces for improvement.