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Kate is simply brilliant! 不明白为什么女人害怕衰老,其实成熟的女人更加吸引人。一个目不识丁的公交售票员,按部就班的过着平静的生活。一个懵懵懂懂的少年,和她一起坠入肉体的欢愉。其实女人更加渴望的是书里面的世界。一切都是那么美好。直到有一天,她离开一个有些前途的职业,加入了一个毫无前途的职业--集中营的女看管,依然喜欢阅读,可惜却成了犹太灭绝的帮凶。为了自己一点点的尊严,在法庭上放弃为自己辩解的机会,在监狱里开始了新的学习生活。当时德国应该有很多这样的老百姓,不知不觉的,直接或者间接的成了法西斯的帮凶。




Kate is simply brilliant! 十几年前,凯特还是一个白嫩嫩,胖胖脸的少女,和里奥一起演绎了一出you jump, I jump的煽情沉船巨制。当时觉得她气质上有点缺失。随后就结婚生子,从屏幕上渐渐销声匿迹了。今年凯特浑身散发着成熟女人的韵味又回到了星光大道。脸庞更加有轮廓,眼角也有了些许皱纹,但是演技真是如火纯清。 中文翻译《革命之路》有点误导的意思,其实就是电影里的一条路名。这部电影让人想起了American Beauty , 只是更加灰暗压抑了些。一对充满热情和理想的年轻夫妇,不得不慢慢陷入美国中产阶级的虚无空洞的美梦,一天天在乏味的工作和无聊的婚姻中度过。改变的想法不断被现实打破,双方都深爱着对方,却有无法交流,除了沉默就是争吵。 里面的神经病数学博士说了一句,“maybe it is just your two deserve each other”. well said.

How to remove labels in bloggers or blogspot

the dummy way, go to that post, delete the labels there and publish again. here presents two more civilized approaches... click Edit Posts tab under Posting tab inside the dashboard, you know how to get there, right? You will see a list of posts, and on the left side, a list of labels. now you can delete labels in two ways: 1. click Select All , if there are any labels associated with those selected posts, in the Label Actions drop down menu list, you will be presented with Remove label . click any label you want to remove. If you don't see this action in drop down menu list, it means there is no label. You might need go to older posts, and follow the same steps. 2. click any label on the left side Labels section. The posts associated with the label show up. Select them all. In the Label Actions drop down menu list, you will be presented with Remove label . click any label you want to remove.



shanghai car plate bid price

on first round in Jan 2008, someone gets big surprise for only CNY 8000, considering on previous round the price is over 50K! The average price is decent 20K too. no bid in Feb for Chinese New Year. after that, the number of bidders drive up the price for a couple of months in Mar and Apr, and set the range. the price keeps slipping until the end of 2008. the global economic crisis hits bidders hard in Nov 2008 psychologically. the price is picking up after 2009. since the second half of 2008, the uncertainty of economic crisis makes the car plate price in a cycle.

microtrends, long tail, what's all about?

there are two popular books on amazon, microtrends and long tail, what's all about them? is that 80/20 rule still valid? personally, i think it is nothing revolutionary. the micro and tail are there for centuries. it is not obvious under low productivity and short of supply, because both sides need compromise to survive. it gets obvious little by little in a nation with superb productivity and flourish supplies. at the beginning, the business targets only the majority. it can produce a satisfying revenue with fair amount of cost. and eventually the successful companies who follow the 80/20 rule well succeed, leaving other new game players very hard to breach in and break the ground. even worse, the big companies can now have extra buffer to cover more edged customers. so what they do, they have to look for those left outside the 80/20 rule. everyone knows about it, however, to make profit from it is another story. what you need are a brilliant idea, a appealing product, and of co...