there are two popular books on amazon, microtrends and long tail, what's all about them? is that 80/20 rule still valid?
personally, i think it is nothing revolutionary. the micro and tail are there for centuries. it is not obvious under low productivity and short of supply, because both sides need compromise to survive.
it gets obvious little by little in a nation with superb productivity and flourish supplies. at the beginning, the business targets only the majority. it can produce a satisfying revenue with fair amount of cost. and eventually the successful companies who follow the 80/20 rule well succeed, leaving other new game players very hard to breach in and break the ground. even worse, the big companies can now have extra buffer to cover more edged customers.
so what they do, they have to look for those left outside the 80/20 rule. everyone knows about it, however, to make profit from it is another story. what you need are a brilliant idea, a appealing product, and of course, some advanced productivity to cover the cost.
bottom line is, only 80/20 are well addressed, then microtrends and long tail. Not another way around.
personally, i think it is nothing revolutionary. the micro and tail are there for centuries. it is not obvious under low productivity and short of supply, because both sides need compromise to survive.
it gets obvious little by little in a nation with superb productivity and flourish supplies. at the beginning, the business targets only the majority. it can produce a satisfying revenue with fair amount of cost. and eventually the successful companies who follow the 80/20 rule well succeed, leaving other new game players very hard to breach in and break the ground. even worse, the big companies can now have extra buffer to cover more edged customers.
so what they do, they have to look for those left outside the 80/20 rule. everyone knows about it, however, to make profit from it is another story. what you need are a brilliant idea, a appealing product, and of course, some advanced productivity to cover the cost.
bottom line is, only 80/20 are well addressed, then microtrends and long tail. Not another way around.
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