following the guide at,
it seems need creating folder with root permission to allow examples to run, and needs start with sudo
otherwise the c++/java examples will fail. output from failed c++/java examples
I1027 09:53:10.901875 6181 sched.cpp:222] Version: 0.28.2
I1027 09:53:10.935006 6190 sched.cpp:326] New master detected at master@
I1027 09:53:10.936367 6190 sched.cpp:336] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
I1027 09:53:10.948501 6190 sched.cpp:703] Framework registered with 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001
Registered! ID = 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001
Received offer 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-O1 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 0 using offer 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-O1
Status update: task 0 is in state TASK_FAILED
Aborting because task 0 is in unexpected state TASK_FAILED with reason 'REASON_CONTAINER_LAUNCH_FAILED' from source 'SOURCE_SLAVE' with message 'Failed to launch container: Failed to fork executor: Failed to fork a child process: Failed to execute Subprocess::Hook in parent for child '6200': Failed to contain process on systemd; Container destroyed while preparing isolators'
I1027 09:53:11.160939 6191 sched.cpp:1945] Asked to abort the driver
I1027 09:53:11.161355 6191 sched.cpp:1173] Aborting framework '8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001'
I1027 09:53:11.167614 6181 sched.cpp:1911] Asked to stop the driver
I1027 09:53:11.168745 6193 sched.cpp:1143] Stopping framework '8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001'
output from passed c++/java examples
I1027 09:44:57.966569 5568 sched.cpp:222] Version: 0.28.2
I1027 09:44:57.976148 5581 sched.cpp:326] New master detected at master@
I1027 09:44:57.977303 5581 sched.cpp:336] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
I1027 09:44:57.989959 5581 sched.cpp:703] Framework registered with afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0002
Registered! ID = afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0002
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O6 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 0 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O6
Status update: task 0 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O7 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 1 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O7
Status update: task 0 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 1
Status update: task 1 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 1 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 2
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O8 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 2 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O8
Status update: task 2 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 2 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 3
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O9 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 3 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O9
Status update: task 3 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 3 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 4
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O10 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 4 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O10
Status update: task 4 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 4 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 5
I1027 09:45:02.373884 5577 sched.cpp:1911] Asked to stop the driver
I1027 09:45:02.374039 5577 sched.cpp:1143] Stopping framework 'afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0002'
I1027 09:45:02.375996 5568 sched.cpp:1911] Asked to stop the driver
couldn't get python example to pass
I1027 09:49:32.158643 5676 sched.cpp:222] Version: 0.28.2
I1027 09:49:32.165624 5714 sched.cpp:326] New master detected at master@
I1027 09:49:32.166126 5714 sched.cpp:336] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
I1027 09:49:32.174818 5714 sched.cpp:703] Framework registered with afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0003
Registered with framework ID afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0003
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O11 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 0 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O11
Task 0 is in state TASK_FAILED
The update data did not match!
Expected: 'data with a \x00 byte'
Actual: ''
Failed to call scheduler's statusUpdate
rest api http://master:5050/help
master metrics http://master:5050/metrics/snapshot
it seems need creating folder with root permission to allow examples to run, and needs start with sudo
otherwise the c++/java examples will fail. output from failed c++/java examples
I1027 09:53:10.901875 6181 sched.cpp:222] Version: 0.28.2
I1027 09:53:10.935006 6190 sched.cpp:326] New master detected at master@
I1027 09:53:10.936367 6190 sched.cpp:336] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
I1027 09:53:10.948501 6190 sched.cpp:703] Framework registered with 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001
Registered! ID = 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001
Received offer 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-O1 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 0 using offer 8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-O1
Status update: task 0 is in state TASK_FAILED
Aborting because task 0 is in unexpected state TASK_FAILED with reason 'REASON_CONTAINER_LAUNCH_FAILED' from source 'SOURCE_SLAVE' with message 'Failed to launch container: Failed to fork executor: Failed to fork a child process: Failed to execute Subprocess::Hook in parent for child '6200': Failed to contain process on systemd; Container destroyed while preparing isolators'
I1027 09:53:11.160939 6191 sched.cpp:1945] Asked to abort the driver
I1027 09:53:11.161355 6191 sched.cpp:1173] Aborting framework '8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001'
I1027 09:53:11.167614 6181 sched.cpp:1911] Asked to stop the driver
I1027 09:53:11.168745 6193 sched.cpp:1143] Stopping framework '8cab08a7-fac7-440b-8933-0d329da29d7c-0001'
I1027 09:44:57.966569 5568 sched.cpp:222] Version: 0.28.2
I1027 09:44:57.976148 5581 sched.cpp:326] New master detected at master@
I1027 09:44:57.977303 5581 sched.cpp:336] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
I1027 09:44:57.989959 5581 sched.cpp:703] Framework registered with afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0002
Registered! ID = afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0002
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O6 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 0 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O6
Status update: task 0 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O7 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 1 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O7
Status update: task 0 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 1
Status update: task 1 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 1 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 2
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O8 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 2 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O8
Status update: task 2 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 2 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 3
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O9 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 3 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O9
Status update: task 3 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 3 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 4
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O10 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 4 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O10
Status update: task 4 is in state TASK_RUNNING
Status update: task 4 is in state TASK_FINISHED
Finished tasks: 5
I1027 09:45:02.373884 5577 sched.cpp:1911] Asked to stop the driver
I1027 09:45:02.374039 5577 sched.cpp:1143] Stopping framework 'afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0002'
I1027 09:45:02.375996 5568 sched.cpp:1911] Asked to stop the driver
couldn't get python example to pass
I1027 09:49:32.158643 5676 sched.cpp:222] Version: 0.28.2
I1027 09:49:32.165624 5714 sched.cpp:326] New master detected at master@
I1027 09:49:32.166126 5714 sched.cpp:336] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
I1027 09:49:32.174818 5714 sched.cpp:703] Framework registered with afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0003
Registered with framework ID afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-0003
Received offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O11 with cpus: 1.0 and mem: 6609.0
Launching task 0 using offer afdeae7b-3c07-4106-9c4e-58f5efb91352-O11
Task 0 is in state TASK_FAILED
The update data did not match!
Expected: 'data with a \x00 byte'
Actual: ''
Failed to call scheduler's statusUpdate
rest api http://master:5050/help
master metrics http://master:5050/metrics/snapshot
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