long tail is genius, micro-trends is just a follower.
now i am reading 7 habits. while i am reading through, the word of bullshitting keeps popping up in my mind. i will try to finish reading this book and become a self-helped highly effective man. a highly effective man for what? like the effective guru, talk to his wife and kids through predefined contracts/statements/codes? what a joke!
what are these habits anyway?
- be proactive
- begin with the end in mind
- put first thing first
- think win/win
- seek first to understand
- synergize
- sharpen the saw
now i am reading 7 habits. while i am reading through, the word of bullshitting keeps popping up in my mind. i will try to finish reading this book and become a self-helped highly effective man. a highly effective man for what? like the effective guru, talk to his wife and kids through predefined contracts/statements/codes? what a joke!
what are these habits anyway?
- be proactive
- begin with the end in mind
- put first thing first
- think win/win
- seek first to understand
- synergize
- sharpen the saw
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