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Showing posts from May, 2009


如是我闻 一时佛在舍卫国祗树给孤独园与大比丘众千二百五十人俱尔时世尊食时著衣持钵入舍卫大城乞食于其城中次第乞已还至本处饭食讫收衣钵洗足已敷座而坐 时长老须菩提在大众中即从座起偏袒右肩右膝着地合掌恭敬而白佛言希有世尊如来善护念诸菩萨善付嘱诸菩萨世尊善男子善女人发阿耨多罗 三藐三菩提心应云何住云何降伏其心佛言善哉善哉须菩提如汝所说如来善护念诸菩萨善付嘱诸菩萨汝今谛听当为汝说善男子善女 人发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心应如是住如是降伏其心唯然世尊愿乐欲闻 佛告须菩提诸菩萨摩诃萨应如是降伏其心所有一切众生之类若卵生若胎生若湿生若化生若有色若无色若有想若无想若非有想非无想我皆令 入无余涅盘而灭度之如是灭度无量无数无边众生实无众生得灭度者何以故须菩提若菩萨有我相人相众生相寿者相即非菩萨 复次须菩提菩萨于法应无所住行于布施所谓不住色布施不住声香味触法布施须菩提菩萨应如是布施不住于相何以故若菩萨不住相布施其福 德不可思量须菩提于意云何东方虚空可思量不不也世尊须菩提南西北方四维上下虚空可思不不也世尊须菩提菩萨无住相布 施福德亦复如是不可思量须菩提菩萨但应如所教住 须菩提于意云何可以身相见如来不不也世尊不可以身相得见如来何以故如来所说身相即非身相佛告须菩提凡所有相皆是虚妄若见诸相非相则见如来 须菩提白佛言世尊颇有众生得闻如是言说章句生实信不佛告须菩提莫作是说如来灭后后五百岁有持戒修福者于此章句能生信心以此为实当知是人不于一佛二佛三四五佛而种善根已于无量千万佛所种诸善根闻是章句乃至一念生净信者须菩提如来悉知悉见是诸众生得如是无量福德何以故是诸众生无复我相人相众生相寿者相无法相亦无非法相何以故是诸众生若心取相则为著我人众生寿者若取法相即著我人众生寿者何以故若取非法相即著我人众生寿者是故不应取法不应取非法以是义故如来常说汝等比丘知我说法如筏喻者法尚应舍何况非法 须菩提于意云何如来得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提耶如来有所说法耶须菩提言如我解佛所说义无有定法名阿耨多罗三藐三菩提亦无有定法如来可说何以故如来所说法皆不可取不可说非法非非法所以者何一切圣贤皆以无为法而有差别 须菩提于意云何若人满三千大千世界七宝以用布施是人所得福德宁为多不须菩提言甚多世尊何以故是福德即非福德性是故如来说福德多若复有人于此经中受持乃至四句偈等为他人说其福胜彼何以故须菩提一切诸佛及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法皆从此经出须菩提所谓佛法者即非佛法 ...




The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra

W hen Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound prajna paramita, he illuminated the five skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So, too, are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. Shariputra, all dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced. Not destroyed, not defiled, not pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or dharmas; no field of the eyes, up to and including no field of mind-consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, ...

Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi is the Nobel Prize -winning peace activist who is being detained by the military dictatorship of Myanmar . She is the daughter of Burmese General Aung San , a national hero who helped establish national independence (1948). General Aung San was assassinated in July of 1947, and two year-old Suu Kyi left Burma to live and study in India and the United Kingdom. In 1988 she returned to Burma and led the National League for Democracy (NLD) in opposition to the ruling military regime. Inspired by the non-violent practices of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr ., she became a national hero and an international celebrity. She was placed under house arrest in 1989, but the NLD still convincingly won popular elections in 1990. The military junta refused to give up power and held Aung San under house arrest until 1995. While detained she won the Nobel Prize for peace (1991). She was held again from September 2000 until May 2002, during which time the NLD was having sec...

a kitty

we have ducklings, turtles, fishes, ants and silkworms in the house. now a kitty in the house.

shanghai car plate quota bidding round 1 - failed

the bidding starts at 10am on sat. may 16. it has two stages. the first stage is from 10am to 11am. on first stage, you are free to offer your ideal bid, from 100 yuan to any amount above. you got one chance only. if you place your bid, you are in this bidding and need pay 100 yuan fee, no matter you won or not. you can do the math, around 16K bidders, add up 1.6 millions. it is a gold business. for the first 50 minutes, the low offer stays at 100 yuan, but jumps sharply afterward. when the first stage ends, the lowest bid is 27000 yuan. the second stage is from 11am to 11:30am. now you can proceed only if you place your bid on the first stage. the system tells you the current lowest bidding price. you can adjust your bid within the range (+/-300 yuan on lowest system bidding price), and you have 2 chances to adjust and bid. for the first 29 minutes, it stays very stable around 27500. if you place your bids now, you will lose for sure. again, the price jumps quickly in the last minute,...


最近有很多混杂的消息,比如什么拉动内需,放开上海车牌,最近可能是七月,什么为了世博成功举办,上海车牌拍卖不会取消,什么2010年末放开,2012年放开,莫衷一是。 这个月上海开了 7200个车牌额度 。我也打算拍一拍。 要拍卖, 首先要去买标书。浦东的可以去浦建路环龙路55号的交通银行办理。个人办理手续简便,拿身份证和二千元押金去就可以了,会拿到拍卖卡,密码还有拍卖光盘。标书半年内有效。半年内一张标书可以参加三次拍牌, 每次手续费100。如果拍不中,押金也可以退。 这周六试一下。心理价位二万五。


如果你在东方明珠塔附近闲逛,除了海洋馆,还有个看动物的好地方,不过比较臭。 从东方明珠塔往黄浦江边走,会看见另一个球形建筑。对面就是上海昆虫爬行动物博物馆。门票还合理,大人40,儿童25. 里面有各种各样的昆虫爬行动物可以欣赏。 贴个超级奇怪的动物。

i am reading 7 habits, and yet another bullshit book

long tail is genius, micro-trends is just a follower. now i am reading 7 habits. while i am reading through, the word of bullshitting keeps popping up in my mind. i will try to finish reading this book and become a self-helped highly effective man. a highly effective man for what? like the effective guru, talk to his wife and kids through predefined contracts/statements/codes? what a joke! what are these habits anyway? - be proactive - begin with the end in mind - put first thing first - think win/win - seek first to understand - synergize - sharpen the saw

What is bullshitting? Read these lines from 7 habits

"Suppose tonight you have invited your wife to go to a concert. You have the tickets; she's excited about going. It's four o'clock in the afternoon. All of a sudden, your boss calls you into his office and says he needs your help through the evening to get ready for an important meeting at 9 A.M. tomorrow. If you're looking through spouse-centered or family-centered glasses, your main concern will be your wife. You may tell the boss you can't stay and you take her to the concert in an effort to please her. You may feel you have to stay to protect your job, but you'll do so grudgingly, anxious about her response, trying to justify your decision and protect yourself from her disappointment or anger. If you're looking through a money-centered lens, your main thought will be of the overtime you'll get or the influence working late will have on a potential raise. You may call your wife and simply tell her you have to stay, assuming she'll understand ...

Words of Joseph Addison

"When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion; when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow: when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions,and debates of mankind. When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great Day when we shall all of us be Contemporaries, and make our appearance together."

a chinese stand-up comedian


spring around the corner

唐卡 Thang-ga