the dummy way, go to that post, delete the labels there and publish again. here presents two more civilized approaches... click Edit Posts tab under Posting tab inside the dashboard, you know how to get there, right? You will see a list of posts, and on the left side, a list of labels. now you can delete labels in two ways: 1. click Select All , if there are any labels associated with those selected posts, in the Label Actions drop down menu list, you will be presented with Remove label . click any label you want to remove. If you don't see this action in drop down menu list, it means there is no label. You might need go to older posts, and follow the same steps. 2. click any label on the left side Labels section. The posts associated with the label show up. Select them all. In the Label Actions drop down menu list, you will be presented with Remove label . click any label you want to remove.
Integration of Knowledge and Action (知行合一)by wandering around the world