热热闹闹的举办了两个运动会,而且还相当成功。特别是残奥会,媒体评价是有史以来最伟大的残奥会。结束了,都结束了。一美元随便吃的自助餐结束了。为奥运会特别供应的没有污染的奶制品结束了。领导们提心吊胆的怕出漏子的日子可以告一段落了。单双号出行的限制结束了。以后还是接着过以前的日子。希望大家可以多关注关注被毒奶粉害的孩子,可以在平常生活中正真的关心残疾人。一场奥运会,一场残奥会, 会给我们老百姓带来什么呢? 这么大规模的奶制品工业污染,谁还正真关心什么残奥会闭幕呢?
singleton Scopes the bean definition to a single instance per Spring container (default). prototype Allows a bean to be instantiated any number of times (once per use). request Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP request. Only valid when used with a web capable Spring context (such as with Spring MVC). session Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP session. Only valid when used with a webcapableSpring context (such as with Spring MVC). global-session Scopes a bean definition to a global HTTP session. Only valid when used in a portlet context.
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