Yesterday, I stopped at the red light. The long vehicle right in front of me apparently wanted to make a U-turn. However, the vehicle was just too long to turn such a small angle. It begun to back off. All I could do was back too and honk as well. I felt I was almost pushed back by this vehicle. Luckily the car behind me was also able to leave some space for me to back my car. I yelled at the driver F**K words.
Now during the morning rush, there was a plenty of time, I was in the good mood for the day. However, my daughter woke up and couldn't find a tiny toy. She was then in soon-to-cry mode. I was trying to look for it, but couldn't. Minutes by minutes, I lost my good mood too. And it was 20 minutes passed!
Now during the morning rush, there was a plenty of time, I was in the good mood for the day. However, my daughter woke up and couldn't find a tiny toy. She was then in soon-to-cry mode. I was trying to look for it, but couldn't. Minutes by minutes, I lost my good mood too. And it was 20 minutes passed!
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