When I was at Southern California, I saw many women, especially 40 years old Chinese women, carrying a brown colored handbag. Personally I think the handbag looks dull. I was wondering what kind of brand it is. It is LV (Louis Vuitton) and very expensive.
In Singapore, the LV seems even more popular.
This summer I had a chance to go back China Shenzhen. There is a supermarket nearby Shenzhen Railway Station. Many foreigners actually come to buy world famous brand merchandise. Of course, they know the stuffs here are cheap and fake. I went there. Rolex, Tommy, Ralph Lauren, LV, you name it. Just for fun, I bought one LV handbag for about SG$40. I think everyone can tell it is not an authentic one because the leather looks so rough, and on one side, LV logo is even upside down. The handbag is served as my daughter’s diaper bag.
Last weekend, I went to Orchard road. It is the main street in Singapore city with all the famous shopping malls. There is a LV store. Interesting enough, the salesmen and saleswomen all wears intercom ear buds, make you feel you are actually not in a store, but in some banks or museums. There are quite a few customers are enjoying and buying the brown colored handbags. I studied the handbag style I had. The leather does look and feel the same as the fake one. The LV logo does is upside down on one side. It just looks exactly the same as I had. The price, SG$1000 plus.
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