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全书6部,如果拍成网剧,刚好一部一季。全书以北宋末年,金,辽,西夏,高丽复杂的国际大环境为背景,宋金海上结盟为契子,虹桥梅船化烟(梅花衍天局)为主线,五绝破案展开。故事借用了清明上河图的场景和人物,八百多人纷纷登场,演绎了一处北宋末年的奇局。 木 八子案 - 旧政七子共同对付新政一子 火 香袋案 - 相邻三家因为一个装有耳朵和宝珠的香袋而相杀 金 范楼案 - 三个学子和一段无头案 水 变身案 - 两个长相相同的人命运互换 土 梅船案 - 大船套壳,林灵素复活



Restore Win10 boot and remove Grub after Ubuntu

I tried Ubuntu but not impressed - until nowadays it can't setup printer correctly. I need do a clean up. Let's remove Grub first Follow  to install boot repair tool. Select Restore MBR and restart Once boot into Win10, run disk management and reclaim those Linux volumes.


螺蛳粉是一种广西小吃,因其中的酸笋有特殊的臭味而闻名。 午饭去尝试了一次据说很臭的螺蛳粉,吃起来还好,也许不正宗。一进小店,就一股酸腐的味道。吃完感觉整个人里里外外都是酸豆角酸笋的味道,下午只好请假了。

How to force the Cisco AnyConnect reinstallation

If you have CIsco AnyConnect installed before, but not uninstalled properly (Click Uninstall AnyConenct under Application -> Cisco to uninstall properly), you might have trouble to install again. It complains it is installed already. To trick the system, you can run the following commands depending on the modules installed before. sudo pkgutil --forget sudo pkgutil --forget  sudo pkgutil --forget  sudo pkgutil --forget sudo pkgutil --forget  sudo pkgutil --forget  sudo pkgutil --forget sudo pkgutil --forget sudo

From El Capitan to High Sierra

You can't find the High Sierra in App Store, and it is hidden from your purchased history on purpose by Apple. You can, however, open this link in Safari to download the High Sierra. High Sierra - Direct download link from the App Store

Stuck on Mac OS X El Capitan upgrade?

I have an old Macbook Air (2011) in dust. After command+R to reinstall the OS. OS X Lion (10.7) is installed. The version is too old and not compatible with many applications. I need further upgrade the OS.  In App Store, I saw OS X El Capitan (10.11) in my purchased tab. Downloaded and started the upgrade with the following errors. Hmm... "OS X could not be installed on your computer. No packages were eligible for install" Find the solution online. Since it is an old OS version, Apple has a check to prevent the installation if your computer's system time is much newer, like 2020. To bypass 1. Restart and enter recovery mode with command + R 2. Open terminal, and set the date to an old one, such as date -u 1010101015 (meaning Oct 10, 10:10AM, 2015). Disable network wifi if necessary to prevent date gets updated. 3. Click Reinstall macOS  . I can't remember the exact steps after step 2 -- did I restart the Macbook after step 2 or take this step 3? So please try restart