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Year of Tiger


mine -vmargs -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:PermSize 256M -XX:MaxPermSize 512M default -showsplash org.eclipse.platform --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256M -framework plugins\org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.0.v20080605-1900.jar -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.5 -Xms40m -Xmx512m

site stickness

I have some dollars left in PayPal. To withdrawn the money, PayPal will charge me $35. It is better choice to just spend it. For international shopping, the first site comes into mind is eBay. Amazon is the best site in US, but not attractive to global shoppers with associated high shipping cost. I bought some DVDs from eBay. It is one good category to buy. The disk is light (low shipping cost), and genuine (from USA). It usually takes about one month to delivery from US to China. Now I am trying to figure out other good fit categories as a casual shopper. It is hard. For almost anything pops up in my mind, I can find it in TaoBao for a better deal. Take one example, search Lutein on both sites, I can get one bottle plus shipping cost at eBay at $12. For the exactly same brand, I can get one bottle plusing shipping at Taobao at CNY42(~$7). This is one example for same product. For many others, items' price on TaoBao price is just too low, it is a shame to compare. Come back to t


罗玉凤,24岁,重庆綦江赶水镇人,身高1.46米,大专学历,超市收银,月收入千余元。罗玉凤的征婚标准是:北京或清华硕士毕业、经济学专业或精通经济学、必须具备国际视野、身高176-183(越帅越好)、东部沿海户籍、无生育史、年龄在25至28岁之间。” 本人找伴侣,一不求帅,二不求富,但求同甘苦共患难 本人对伴侣的要求如下, 第一:必须北京大学或者清华大学硕士毕业生,必须本科硕士连读,中途无跳级,不留级,不转校,在外参加工作后,再回校读书者面 第二:必须为经济学专业毕业,非经济学专业毕业者必须精通经济学,或对经济学有浓厚兴趣。 第三:必须具备国际视野,但是无长期定居国外甚至移民的打算 第四:身高176-183左右,长的帅的比较好一些 第五:无生育史,过往所有女友均无因自身而导致的堕胎史 第六:东部沿海户籍,即江浙沪闽或者广东,天津山东,北京东北三省,内蒙古等地户籍,西南地区籍,重庆贵州,云南,西藏,湖南,湖北,等地户籍者不予考虑 第七:年龄25-28岁左右,即06级07级,08 级毕业生,有1-2年的工作经验,06级毕业生需年龄在28岁左右,09级毕业生则需聪明过人,且具备丰富的社会实践经验,就职于国家机关,国有企事业单 位者不予考虑,但就职于中石油中石化等世界顶尖型企业或银行者比较喜欢,现自主创业者商榷一番。 照片就不贴了,谷歌百度热得很。估计明年能上张艺谋的四枪贺岁片。


translated from excerpt of wikipedia 黄斑 , 视网膜负责中心视力的一小部分,也含有大量的 叶黄素 。黄斑中大量的叶黄素的原因,可能是有助于 防止氧化应激和高能量光。 各种研究表明,叶黄素的摄入量和眼中的 黄斑 色素有着 直接的关系 。研究也表明,黄斑色素 的 增加 可以降低 眼疾的风险,比如 和年龄相关的黄斑变性(AMD)。唯一的一项 小型 随机临床试验也证明了 叶黄素对治疗 黄斑变性的效果,实验的结论是单独使用 叶黄素或与其他 营养成分一起使用,有助于 视觉功能的改善。 叶黄素 存在于我们日常 的水果和蔬菜 饮食中,比如菠菜。 早在1996年,叶黄素就被列入膳食补充剂。 虽然目前还没有推荐的每日摄入量,不过普遍认为6-10毫克的摄入量/天就可以观察到效果。过量叶黄素摄入过量的唯一副作用是皮肤发黄(carotenodermia )。 自由形态的 的叶黄素和叶黄素酯 之间 的差别目前还不完全清楚。 一般认为叶黄素酯的 生物可利用度 低,但仍待商榷。 作为食品添加剂,叶黄素的E编码是E161b,是从万寿菊 花瓣 中提取的。 包括美国眼科研究中心在内的数项研究表明,叶黄素和玉米黄质的高摄入量(鸡蛋,菠菜等绿色蔬菜的营养成分)降低黄斑变性失明的风险。美国目前有 一百二十万 黄斑变性患者 ,其中大部分是65岁以上的老人。 叶黄素和玉米黄质与降低AMD的危险性之间的直接 因果关系 正在研究之中。

buyer experience at gewara

I bought the movie ticket online before. The experience was okay. I bought the tickets at Gewara for the movie the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf this weekend, the buyer experience was great. The ticket price at box office is CNY90. The price on the Gewara? CNY60. After I paid online, I received the SMS confir mation message. On the same day, I received another reminder for the movie. When we arrived the theater, there was a Gewara stand to handle the ticket for us. They gave out the franchised Calendar, Card, Pin as while. It is a successful marketing for themselves, since all the kids around want the free gifts. Before the movie start, they hosted a small prize draw for all the Gewara buyers. The movie itself sucks.


I get lucky and won the second prize during the company's annual party. It is a compact 10" Asus notebook. Since I have too many computers, I sold it at CNY 2000. With that money, I bought something very fun at Taobao . It is a Wii set, with a Wii console, 2 controllers, and a Wii Fit. The price is CNY 2000. Wii is not officially released in China mainland market, so all the Wii are smuggling version. I am now jogging, skating, boxing at home. I know, it is not the same as real outdoors sports, at least I can do some exercises with fun, instead of just sitting in the coach. The detail product spec and reviews are available at Amazon .