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我是走失这位副教授的邻居,虽然我没有和这对夫妇交谈过。但是我希望自己能作些什么来帮助这个家庭渡过难关。看到网上一些人的评论缺乏起码的人性,我感到很伤心。我想在不 足够了解情况的前提下发表评论是很不负责任的,有时会给他人造成严重的心理伤害。我只是把我知道的告诉大家,希望大家能理解这位老师和他的家人,从而不要再无端的指责他们 。我也是一名清华的副教授,我能深深感受到这位老师和他的家庭在清华工作生活的压力。这位老师的专业方向是物理,应该属于基础研究,因此他的月收入应该和我差不多,每月能那 到手的现金应该在3000-4000元,我们所住的房子是租学校里的过渡房,实用面积不超过40平米。而清华周边的房子是高于20000元每平米。因此买商品房撑死交个首付,回头都还不上月供。清华的晋升职称压力也很大,多年晋升不到一个与年龄相称的体面的职称也会使清华的很多老师郁闷,心理压力越来越大。当然有的网友会说,大学的老师应 该在名利面前超脱一些,专于研究而甘于清贫。也许我们自己可以修炼到圣人的境界,但是我们无法要求我们的家人也达到如此高尚的境界。想一想我们的爱人,当初嫁给我们时我们 是清华的博士或年轻老师,她们当时应该没有指望和我们就过上富裕的生活,但是她们多半期盼着和我们过上相对体面的生活,相对受人尊敬的生活。但是,多少年过去了,我们没钱 ,没房,没车,没有教授这样响亮的头衔,我们身边的妻子发些牢骚绝对正常。我所了解的这对夫妇是清华年轻老师里很正常的一对,都很温和而善良,我经常能听见他们小孩哭的声音,但是从来没听过他们吵架的声音。这位副教授也十分刻苦,我经常在10点 半回家时能碰到他从单位回来。清华的工作生活环境使得很多人在其中都不太开心,几年前清华就有年轻老师在家中独自喝闷酒发泄最后死于心脏病。而我所在的单位不到两年时间已有3人选择了离开清华,所以请 大家也能理解他的行为。因为兴许有一天,会有另一位年轻老师选择逃离现实(我不敢说我肯定不会),希望世人对他的议论能宽容一些。希望大家支持该帖,以使舆论对此事的关注回到一个人性化的基调上来。


■ Atomic—Transactions are made up of one or more activities bundled together as a single unit of work. Atomicity ensures that all the operations in the transaction happen or that none of them happen. If all the activities succeed, the transaction is a success. If any of the activities fail, the entire transaction fails and is rolled back. ■ Consistent—Once a transaction ends (whether successful or not), the system is left in a state that is consistent with the business that it models. The data should not be corrupted with respect to reality. ■ Isolated—Transactions should allow multiple users to work with the same data, without each user’s work getting tangled up with the others. Therefore, transactions should be isolated from each other, preventing concurrent reads and writes to the same data from occurring. (Note that isolation typically involves locking rows and/or tables in a database.) ■ Durable—Once the transaction has completed, the results of the transaction should

another shooting spree, another psycho

"I am Jiverly Wong shooting the people," the letter begins followed by an apology that "I know a little English." What follows is details of Wong's beliefs that undercover police had taunted him, tortured him and spread rumors about him wherever he went. The police, he said, forced him to leave California, where'd he'd lived from the early 1990s until 2007, and were trying to force him to leave the country. advertisement They entered his room while he slept, he said, watching him sleep, touching him while he slept. And 32 times, he said, police drove in front of him and abruptly stopped. But "I never hit the car," he said. At the end of the letter, Wong complained that he cannot "accept my poor life" and that he assume the role of judge and "cut my poor life." He demanded that an "undercover cop" be held responsible for whatever happened and ended with "You have a nice day." -- CNN

spring 2.0 bean scope

singleton Scopes the bean definition to a single instance per Spring container (default). prototype Allows a bean to be instantiated any number of times (once per use). request Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP request. Only valid when used with a web capable Spring context (such as with Spring MVC). session Scopes a bean definition to an HTTP session. Only valid when used with a webcapableSpring context (such as with Spring MVC). global-session Scopes a bean definition to a global HTTP session. Only valid when used in a portlet context.


最近谷歌的2.0测试版不停的跳出来,提示我安装新版本。结果还安装不了,非要管理员这个用户才行。公司用户谁知道用管理员密码啊。结果就是不停的提示,不停的失败。 To disable it, run regedit. find this HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Google PinyinX\Autoupdate, and delete it.

a bean's life