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周末去了趟北京。在ctrip上订票,发现除了深夜的票有打折外,几乎都是全价票-1280(包括150的燃油费/机场税)。从浦东打的去虹桥,大概要50多元。到了才发现现在开通了京沪空中巴士。大概半小时一班,很象座长途汽车的感觉。大概这也是机票没打折的一个原因吧。不过效率还是那样,登机后我在飞机上等了半个小时才起飞。到了北京,热浪扑面而来。什么时候,大家都开始只穿衬衫了。空气依然很脏,真担心到了八月空气会奇迹般的好起来。从机场打的去中关村,90多。在北四环时候经过了鸟巢,水立方。很特别。主体已经建好,不过周围还是工地的样子,都是土。 办好了自己的事情。因为我父母在北京看病,然后就打车去看他们。父母在医院里面的家属区住。大概为了创收,家属楼的半地下一层被改装出租。改装时用最简单的板材隔成小房间,有窗户的30一个床,没窗户的25一个床。里面有简单的家具。基本上不隔音。大家共用厕所。除了看病的,还有很多北漂的年轻人。或者说混在北京的人。不容易。医院的食堂本来是部队性质,不对外。现在也随着部队后勤社会化而开放了。所以吃饭也挺方便。 当天恰好看到京沪高速铁路开始修建。建好后只要5个小时,票价大概是500左右。 回来的时候比较省钱。从公主坟座机场大巴,只要16。而且还路过了北京机场三号楼。怎么看怎么奇怪,为什么前面象乌龟壳呢?到了机场,匆匆忙忙的上了京沪空中巴士,回到了上海。一下飞机,发现有几百号人在等出租车。做了几步,发现有机场大巴,4元从机场到静安寺。

the way to office

Usually I take taxi from home to office. Now and then, if it is not so urgent, I might consider to take the bus. The route is exactly the same, so be the traffic. The fare is less than one tenth. The problem is not matter when, the bus is all squeezed with passengers. No matter how cold the weather is outside, it is sweaty hot inside. It is not pleasant.

National Tourist Resort of She Shan

It is called She Shan ( Mountain ), with east hill and west hill. It is really just a highland with 100m height. It takes about one and a half hours to get there from download Shanghai. This is the photo of west hill. with the Our Lady of China Catholic church and observatory. There are quite a few villa areas around.

Staff Software Engineer @ eBay CDC

Business Title Staff Software Engineer Location China - Shanghai Work Location eBay China Development Center Primary Job Responsibilities -Lead the development of complex, multi-tier distributed software applications. -Design layered application, including user interface, business functionality, and database access. -Work with other engineers, managers, product managers, QA, and operation teams to develop innovative solutions that meet market needs with respect to functionality, performance, scalability, and reliability while meeting realistic implementation schedules and adhering to development goals and principles. -Estimate engineering efforts, plan implementations, and rollout system changes. -Share release management duties during feature rollouts and share on-call responsibilities. -Develop industry and product technical expertise. -Knowledge of Search technology a major plus -Experience in developing highly scalable applications a major plus. Job Requirements -MS/PhD in CS or re

Sr Product Manager @ eBay CDC

Business Title Sr Product Manager Category Product Management Location China - Shanghai Work Location eBay China Development Center Primary Job Responsibilities With over 250 million user searches and millions of new items every day, eBay has the largest ecommerce search engine on the web. As a member of the Finding team, you and your products will have massive impact, literally affecting millions of users around the world. The extended Finding team at eBay is responsible for several of eBay''s most important and exciting product areas including search, browse and merchandising. As a Product Manager at eBay, you are responsible for planning and executing site features that enable the success of eBay. You will work with product, business and engineering counterparts to create and manage the business and product strategy for eBay''s Finding and Merchandising initiatives that enable the world''s largest online marketplace. The primary area of focus for this role wi


all these tadpoles for CNY1, goldfishes are not included.