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坡妹就是新加坡妹妹啦. 因为气候单一, 所以大家的打扮也单一. 白领坡妹 - 披肩长发, 或直或烫成卷.呈黑色或棕色. 上身紧身细腰衣服, 下配裙子, 不穿袜, 光脚穿高跟拖鞋. 大学生坡妹 - 过肩短发, 一般不烫. 上身大文化衫, 下穿超级短短裤, 光脚穿平跟拖鞋. 中学生坡妹 - 马尾巴, 裙式校服, 运动袜, 旅游鞋.

Phone screening by Microsoft

I submitted my resume to MS Shanghai. After a week, I got a call. The tech recruiter apparently was reading through some routine questionnaire. As the first round, it just got more understanding based on the resume. Nothing interesting. At the end, she asked me why I switched my career to Computer Science later on while I was graduated in Automation from Tsinghua. This one is lame. It was more than 10 years ago. Even Mechanics can switch to CS, right?

Samba share from Solaris

To view folder on Solaris, you can configure Solaris samba service as below: cd /etc/sfw cp smb.conf-example smb.conf vi smb.conf add the lines before Share Definations as password server = None guest ok = yes guest account = patrol security = SHARE dns proxy = no add the lines below to the end [home] path = /export/home/patrol writeable = yes comment = patrol home on blue Restarts samba services /etc/init.d/samba stop /etc/init.d/samba start Now from Windows, you can access the Solaris server by \\blue

Easy Simmer Fried Pork

Ingredients: 2 lbs pork meat (5 levels – skin, fat, lean, fat, lean), Ginger, Aniseed, Rock Candy, Dark Soy Sauce Utensils: Wok, wood or steel turner, knife, cutting board for raw meat Preparation: Cut the pork meat into small pieces, depending on your own preference. Each piece should have 5 levels. Notes: 1. Put some cooking oil into wok, wait it hot; 2. Put in the diced pork meat, stir until all meats’ color turn from red to pinky white; 3. Put in cold water until it covers all the meats, put in some ginger, one aniseed, and wait the water to boil 4. Once boiling, turn the cooking fire to minimal, and cover the wok to simmer for 45 minutes. 5. Turn up the cooking fire, put in 4 or 5 of rock candies, some dark soy sauce, and stir until the water in the wok is almost gone, and meats turn into caramel color. 6. The dish is ready.

Din Tai Fung @ Paragon

Din Tai Fung recently open a new branch at Paragon Basement level 1. In 1993 the New York Times rated the Din Tai Fung as "among the 10 best international restaurants." The restaurants lobby is big. The decoration is in cool traditional Chinese style, painting and calligraphy on the wall. The waitresses are all walky-talky. Highlights are Shanghai-style dumplings, pasta pillows filled with broth and meats like pork and crab. Crescent-shaped vegetable dumplings are loaded with minced greens; pork dumplings are crowned with little shrimp. The menu also features buns, soups and noodles. One point here, the restaurant just looks so similar to Crystal Jade. In Singapore, I think there are just too many restaurants selling noodles and dumplings.

Countdown Timer

Suppose you are the meeting organizer. The schedule is tight. You want everyone sticks to the session duration assigned, and remind him/her at the end of session. You also set the break time between the session. This Countdown Timer is right for you. The binary jar can be download from here . The source code can be download from here . Right click to save it. To run the Countdown Timer, use java -jar CountdownTimer.jar [session in minutes] [break in minutes]


南洋理工大学就是NTU了, 是个正经的大学. 不要和南洋理工学院(Nanyang Poly)搞混了. 上回那个手机作爱录像的女生是南洋理工学院的. 言归正传. 因为天气热, 新加坡人一般都在外面吃. NTU地处新岛的西边, 出去不是很方便. 所以在学校里面吃是最适合的了. 好处是学校里人简单干净, 而且饭还有补贴, 比外边相对就便宜一些. 如果想吃餐馆, NTU里就一家, 叫五月花, 味道不错, 干净宽敞. 自己人去吃, 没有小费, 还有打折, 在NEC边(不是日本的那个, 是Nanyang Executive Center, 新加坡把Executive真的叫烂了. 里头主要是从中国来学习培训的官员). 稍微便宜点儿的, 有几个Cafes, 其中一个叫QUAD. 位于南洋大礼堂附近. 吃喝的东西和食堂差不多. 里头的小姑娘大概是雇来的. 因为不是自己的生意, 也都不热情的样子. 其他都是食堂性质的了. 叫做Canteen. 这个词很有意思. 按拼音, 也发成了餐厅. Canteen 1和Canteen 2离的比较近. 中间还有一个去Jurong Point免费的车站. Canteen 1里面的中餐很不错. 据说有人还专门周末从外面来吃. Canteen 2则里一些商店很近. 吃完可以买些东西. 价格也很公道. 有的比外面的还便宜. Canteen 3在NIE(南洋教育学院)附近. 里面有个小炒的摊位. 这三个都有空调. 吃饭比较舒服一些. Canteen A, B位于工程学院, Canteen A里有家麦当劳. Canteen 4, 5里Canteen 1比较近, 其他还有Canteen 9 , 11, 13, 14, 都没有空调, 去的比较少. 去过Canteen 4一次, 蚊子很猖狂, 被咬的不行. 再也不敢去了.