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Visit ICA to acknowledge SPR Approval

After received the approval letter, we went through the medical check (only required for 15 years old and up). It has simple body check, HIV blood test and X-ray. I also need my current employer to sign another form to show I am still employed by the same company as I applied based on. With all these prepared, today we went to ICA building. It is on the 5th floor. We arrived at 10:30AM. Take the photo, 4 pieces for $5. Get a queue number and wait. And wait. When it is all done, it is 3:00PM. Whew, what a long day! The waiting hall is crowded. The air inside is cool but doesn't feel very clean. We paid SGD 470 in total, which includes 2 entry permits, $100 each, 3 re-entry permits, $50 each, 2 IC, $50 each, and $20 for some fee.

Everyone goes Subway

The branding practice of many USA fast food chains is really amazing. Sooner or later, you know those names somewhere in this global village. In Jurong Point, a new Subway is open recently. Now along that side, KFC, MacDonald, Subway, PizzaHut, and some other brands from France, Japan. The subway tastes good and healthy, but just not so many variety, and the seasoning is too complex. I remembered the first PizzaHut opened in ZhongGuanChun, Beijing years ago. There was a huge UCLA poster on the wall shamelessly. What UCLA to do with PizzaHut anyway? Generally speaking, PizzaHut's pizza tastes much better in Asia than in USA.


这是一本汇集南方周末上发表的有关50-70年代中国发生的政治运动的回忆的书. 读着当事人对当年历史的回忆, 不能不叫人惊心动魄. (一) 刘少奇请教式的问道:"对党内走资本主义道路的当权派,我总是理解不了.走资本主义道路的人有, 但是资产阶级都要消亡了, 怎么可能有什么派? 一讲到派, 人就太多了,不是到处都有敌我矛盾.煤炭部, 冶金部, 哪个是走资本主义道路的当权派?" 毛泽东脱口而出:"张霖之就是!" (1967年1月22日,张被早反派批斗殴打至死, 是文革中最早被殴打至死的正部级官员). 当然, 发生在作为国家主席的刘少奇身上的事情大家也都知道了. (二) 北京大红罗厂南巷20号, 是黄家外婆李秀蓉于1952年话一万余元购置的. 文革前, 将其中两间租给了海军某部的姜某一家. 因为一件很不起眼的小事,黄家的儿媳汪克宽准备从家里拿一些东西去破四旧, 被姜某的父亲挡住, 认为她在转移财产. 然后就汇报给当地派出所. 之后红卫兵就来到了他们家. 在柜自里搜查出弹壳. 弹壳是以前解放战争时期捡的. 当然现在被当成了逃亡地主要变天的武器. 经过一番毒打, 家里5人死于棍棒之下. 其中一个是北京医学院毕业, 一个是清华大学毕业. (三) 那样的年代, 就算坐在家里, 都有可能惹祸上身. 更不要说有人敢站出来对文革甚至伟大的毛主席提出批评了. 彭德怀尚是国防部长, 元帅,都未可幸免, 就更不用说一个小老百姓了. 张志新被杀之前, 被关在只能坐不能躺的小号里, 几天下来, 张已经用馒头沾自己的月经血吃.被执行死刑之前,被割断了喉管.在那样的年代里,作为反革命被枪毙, 张的丈夫, 女儿, 儿子还要被逼公开表态,划清界限. "坚决镇压, 把她处死刑, 为人民除害. 我们连尸体也不要. 政府愿意怎么处理就怎么处理, 我们都拥护."何等的人间惨事!

Daily Stress

Yesterday, I stopped at the red light. The long vehicle right in front of me apparently wanted to make a U-turn. However, the vehicle was just too long to turn such a small angle. It begun to back off. All I could do was back too and honk as well. I felt I was almost pushed back by this vehicle. Luckily the car behind me was also able to leave some space for me to back my car. I yelled at the driver F**K words. Now during the morning rush, there was a plenty of time, I was in the good mood for the day. However, my daughter woke up and couldn't find a tiny toy. She was then in soon-to-cry mode. I was trying to look for it, but couldn't. Minutes by minutes, I lost my good mood too. And it was 20 minutes passed!

Annoying Tropical Birds

The wild birds in Singapore are beautiful, with bright yellow, red and blue feathers, but the chirping of some species are really annoying. Don't they sleep during the night? Last night I was keeping woken up by some bird's noise - very loud and unpleasant sounds. All I was thinking is how I can kill that bird.

Bus Uncle Video

This is a handphone video clip about a stressed old man scolds a poor young man on the Hong Kong bus. It gets phenomenal late on the internet video share, wiki and local media. Famous quotes such as You got your pressure, I got mine too! 3 strikes of Not Settled