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受不了你了, 笑眯眯的Mona Lisa

因为Da Vinci Code电影的热烈反响, 突然Mona Lisa 又热的不得了了. 估计今天最流行的女人又是她了. 去书店, 以她为封面的书摆在最显眼的地方. 一大推的Mona Lisa象苍蝇眼睛中的图像, 在注视着你. 电视里, 不管是什么台, 探索, 综合新闻, 到处都在作广告, Mona Lisa和最后的晚餐在你眼前晃来晃去. 好象全世界都是Jesus的信徒, 都关心这背后的故事真假的很. Who cares!

Some infamous famous brands

If you travel to middle or small cities, where nobody knows about LV, Ralph Lauren, Hermes, in the locale store, you will most likely find some brands - Goldlion, Pierre Cardin, Valentino, and Crocodile. It is hard to tell the merchandizes are authentic or mock up. The Crocodile brand itself is a shameless mock up of Lacoste. Suddenly from nowhere around 90's, the government officials love to wear this casual jacket. We saw a lot on CCTV programs. My inlaws even bought a Crocodile jacket for me. Unfortunately the logo looks like crocodile, the brand is SquirrelFish. I guess the designer knew something about IP, and got this idea when he ate a famous Chinese dish. The enormous Chinese rural and undeveloped urban market is the best place to sell these junks.

Nokia 6020 Camera

I have been using Singtel mobile service over a year. Not very useful for me. Just pay the service fee every month. After one year in contract, I am entitled to upgrade the phone. After trade in the old phone, and get this Nokia 6020 for just SGD 40. The camera only gets VGA quality. Nothing to compain for such a price. Tried the camera and MMS email functions.

Licensed to Watch Public TV?!

Give me a break. What kind of stupid license this is! Pay SGD 110 every year to just watch public air TV. Ridiculous! What public TV program is so expensive? Porn? This license is unfair, unclear, unjustified. Residential TV Licence A TV Licence is required if you operate or have, on any premise owned or occupied by you, TV sets or any equipment that is capable of receiving broadcasting services. The TV Licence is valid for a calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December and is renewable on a yearly basis thereafter. The annual licence fee is S$110. For new TV Licences that are applied for in any part of the year after 1 January, the licence fee payable will be pro-rated from the date of application to 31 December. If the TV Licence is taken up between 1 November and 31 December, the licence fee payable will be pro-rated to 31 December of the following year, i.e. it will be inclusive of the following year's licence fee as well.


想起来也挺奇怪的, 本来是陌生人, 隔着十万八千里的, 因为结婚, 突然就多了很多亲戚. 刚结婚那会儿, 去了老婆家一趟, 大家都客客气气的, 也不太熟悉. 她们家在东北的一个林业部的企业, 也和许多东北的国有企业一样, 处于破产的状态. 家属院里老人多, 估计年轻人都跑出去寻生计了. 因为处于市郊, 地方到是宽敞, 有的人还种了菜, 果树, 养了猪, 牛. 不象工厂, 到别有一番乡村的风味. 岳父是十几岁就开始学徒工作, 典型的东北人. 爱喝酒爱抽烟爱说话. 特别爱说话. 东北人叫瞎白活. 干活真是没的说. 从日常生活中的修修补补的几个小事儿就看的出来. 刚开放那会儿, 带着人出去做工程, 也赚了些钱. 当时大家刚买黑白的时候, 她家已经买了彩色电视机. 赚了钱, 当然大家嫉妒, 厂里就要求他回来, 岳父岳母也觉得待在国家的企业里是长久之计, 后来在厂里当了副厂长. 不过大形式变了, 国家的企业也不再是铁饭碗了. 岳母是师专毕业. 在她那个年代, 也算不简单了. 毕业就去了厂里的子弟学校. 后来慢慢厂里的学生越来越少. 老师也都四处活动调走了. 她也可以调到市里教育局所属的学校. 不过受了老毛的教育, 想问题都是一个模式. 还是待在厂里. 慢慢厂里的老师要下岗, 她还主动让了机会给比她年轻的. 不过最后那个年轻的老师也下了. 有时侯说到她的同学, 有的在北京当了什么高级教师, 教育部门的干部, 有的调到市里, 在重点学校里也吃香的很. 他们本着这么一个思维, 觉得国有企业是长久之计. 把双方的老人也接了来, 兄弟姐妹的也想办法调了过来. 去年厂子终于要被买断了. 就是划拉划拉, 便宜处理了. 然后国家社会买主给厂里的工人一笔小钱. 后来接触也渐渐的多了. 我想有着大多数这个年龄的中国人的特色把. 勤劳, 善良, 节省, 爱手洗衣服, 吃剩的不愿意倒掉, 爱做油乎乎的食品, 关心菜的价格, 不愿意花钱. 几十年下来, 也不会轻易改变了.

Windows Updates keeps reminding MDAC patch KB832483

On one Windows 2000 SP4 Server, Windows Updates keeps reminding me one update is downloaded and ready to be installed. It is KB832483 about MDAC security patches. It is very annoying. I searched on the Internet. Tried several ways - modify the registry on different place, manually run the patches. Nothing works. I download Component Checker tools to check the MDAC version. It reports UNKNOWN. Hmm...Something wrong here. To get it fixed, I installed the latest MDAC 2.8 SP1. After reboot, Windows Updates reminds new update KB911562. And the annoying problem is gone.


吴宇森昏头了. 这赤壁之战的电影非砸了不可. 大乔小乔什么人物? 林志玲这样电线杆似的棍来演实在是不对味. 周迅不错. 侯佩岑也不错. 烦死这家伙了. 看不出什么路子. 暂时定位端庄淑女玩风骚型. 从马上摔下来后人气大衰, 但是不甘心. 四处乱窜.