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Terminator governor

Arnold's letter.

Tipping points

Tipping points are the levels at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable. The Law of the Few The Stickiness Factor The Power of Context Fun fact: Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth. Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a trivia game based on the concept of the small world phenomenon and rests on the assumption that any actor can be linked through his or her film roles to actor Kevin Bacon within six steps.


For the richest men in human history, why there is a bunch from a single generation in a single country, born in 1830's in USA. What are Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer , Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt, and Bill Joy in common? Why Chris Langan , with a perfect 200 IQ score, ends up as a bouncer? Oppenheimer, a genius who was once in depression, and tried to murder his tutor , was assigned as head of Manhattan Project? Why Jewish lawyers succeed in New York? Why Korean Airline sucked big time before? Why Chinese is good at Maths? Malcolm Gladwell , the author of Outlier, looks behind the spectacular results, reads between the lines, and explains from a freshening perspective.


九月二十九日上午八时三十分,涂序新老师遗体告别仪式在杭州殡仪馆举行。参加告别仪式的有学院领导、学校相关部门、部分师生及涂老师亲属与同学,共100余人。(没啥问题,领导在前这是规矩) 涂序新老师于2009年9月17日凌晨2点因病不幸坠楼去世,终年32岁。(坠楼!!还是因病!大家经讨论认为,以后很多时候可以说:因病上吊、因病投河、因病被自杀、因病……这位讣告写手啊,因病和坠楼有因果关系吗?几乎是以暗含幽默的方式公布讣告?) 涂 序新老师1977年8月生于浙江金华,1995年9月——2001年6月就读于清华大学,2000年6月获水利水电工程专业学士学位,2001年6月获法 学学士学位。2001年9月——2007年6月就读于美国西北大学,分别于2004年和2007年获得岩土工程硕士和博士学位。其后在美国西北大学从事博 士后研究工作,2009年6月中旬回国到学院工作。(没啥问题,我老不骂人) 涂 序新老师为人真诚善良,对待同事细心周到,受到大家的尊重;对待学生,耐心解答疑问,多次深入新生宿舍与学生交流,受到学生的爱戴。涂序新老师学识渊博、 事业心强、治学严谨,对研究工作认真执着,精益求精。(他妈的,看到这里虽然说了点人话,但感觉怪怪的,尤其是什么“多次深入新生宿舍”) 借此机会,感谢学校各部门及学院师生的关心!(开始感谢了?要不要开始庆功?还有在讣告上感谢的?还“借此机会”?) 附涂序新博士来学院的主要经历 2009年1月,涂博士通过电子邮件与学院岩土所联系,申请教师岗位; 3 月24日,由学院提供往返国际机票和住宿条件,涂博士来学院面试;(看到没,“由学校提供往返国际机票和住宿条件”,看到没!还国际机票呢!逝者面试时还 喝了你们的水,要不要说出来?总之,浙大出钱了!浙大买单了!浙大牛逼了!这句话的前半句要是翻译成英文,在美国是会被人笑死的!) 4月21日,学院将《新进人员聘任通知书》发给涂博士,涂博士于次日通过电子邮件表示“本人愿意接受你们所提供的岗位和待遇”;(嗯,至于你们履行没履行,是另一个问题,这里不骂了,要不然太长了) 6月12日,涂博士与浙大签署聘用合同; Mitbbs...



fast and furious -- in still mode