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Nokia 6020 connected to PC!

I got the Nokia 6020 phone for free from Singtel, of course, with 2 years service contact subscription. Of course, it is an old model now. With Singtel email gateway configured, I used to be able to send out the photo taken by the phone via MMS email. Now I am in Shanghai. The phone service is China Mobile. I tried to google the gateway configuration but no luck. So I bought a cable CA-42 on taobao for 20CNY. Nice, I got it the second day. Hook the phone and PC with the new cable, now problem comes. The computer complains no driver for the new USB-Serial Controller found. I installed Nokia PC suite, but it still could not find the phone. I downloaded drivers from Nokia China, Nokia US and DELL. Whatever it sounds make sense, I installed it. No luck even it clearly states it is CA-42 cable driver. The official guide is very vague and misleading, to disable this, disable that, try again, reboot, which are all bullshit. Keep trying, with some random sites, finally the prolific driver help...

看后销毁(burn after reading)

年底到了, 国内的贺岁片和好莱坞的冲金片纷至沓来,看的我都审美疲劳了。不过这个片子还是挺有意思的。片子看起来的感觉就是,从开头到结束一直抓住你,不知道下面会发生什么,而且不断有出乎意料的包袱抖出来。里面的演员都很有特色。皮特演的很清纯的样子,我都产生的错觉,以为是皮特早期的片子。Frances Louise McDormand,长的算比较丑的,眼神看起来就是貌似傻乎乎但是脑子里有货的演员,之前看过她的一个演保姆的片子,就很棒。


大拇指广场对面新开辟了一个Mall, 不过因为刚开的缘故,很多家还在装修,里面一股浓郁的装修味。有几间餐馆已经开始运营。我们看到俏江南的场子很大,就进去吃了一下。本来还以为是江浙菜,其实是大杂烩,什么菜都有。 点了几个菜,每个菜都充满艺术气息,配以精美的盘子。可惜吃饭不是吃样式,也不是吃盘子。味道实在是不敢恭维,好几个菜都超咸。苹果汁不是汁,是泥。按照这种价位,真的是我吃过的最难吃的一家。


昨天晚上因为同学聚会,去了徐家汇的席家花园。上海这个有着悠久买办历史的城市,在梧桐树的街道有着一幢幢花园洋房。这个席家花园就是当时国民党中央银行行席德懿的家宅。解放时自然归了政府。现在也不知道房产归属,反正被改建成了一个餐馆。楼上楼下放满了桌子,觉得实在有点挤得慌。 大概人均100的样子,菜好像也没什么特色。

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