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proxy to bypass GFW

If your site is blocked by GFW in China, try installing a web proxy on machine outside China. I recommend this light weight proxy - ccproxy . Once ccproxy is up, configure it to allow only specific IP address, and certain services such as HTTP/HTTPS, default port is 808. Setup your machine inside GFW with this proxy, and you can now access wikipedia and blogspot !

Mycosis Fungoides stage by National Cancer Institute

Stage I The cancer only affects parts of the skin, which has red, dry, scaly patches, but no tumors. The lymph nodes are not larger than normal. Stage II Either of the following may be true: 1. The skin has red, dry, scaly patches, but no tumors. Lymph nodes are larger than normal, but do not contain cancer cells. 2. There are tumors on the skin. The lymph nodes are either normal or are larger than normal, but do not contain cancer cells. Stage III Nearly all of the skin is red, dry, and scaly. The lymph nodes are either normal or are larger than normal, but do not contain cancer cells. Stage IV The skin is involved, in addition to either of the following: 1. Cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes. 2. Cancer has spread to other organs, such as the liver or lung. Recurrent Recurrent disease means that the cancer has come back after it has been treated. It may come back where it started or in another part of the body.

Staged Mycosis Fungoides treatment by National Cancer Institute

Stage I Mycosis Fungoides/Sézary Syndrome 1. Phototherapy (PUVA therapy) with or without biological therapy. 2. Total skin electron beam radiation therapy (TSEB radiation therapy). 3. Topical chemotherapy. 4. Local electron beam or x-ray therapy to reduce the size of the tumor or to relieve symptoms. 5. Interferon alfa (biological therapy) alone or in combination with topical therapy. 6. Retinoids. Stage II Mycosis Fungoides/Sézary Syndrome 1. Phototherapy (PUVA therapy) with or without biological therapy. 2. Total skin electron beam radiation therapy (TSEB radiation therapy). 3. Topical chemotherapy. 4. Local electron beam or x-ray therapy. 5. Interferon alfa (biological therapy) alone or in combination with topical therapy. 6. Retinoids. Stage III Mycosis Fungoides/Sézary Syndrome 1. Phototherapy (PUVA therapy) with or without biological therapy. 2. Total skin electron beam radiation therapy (TSEB rad...

Season of fire?

I am not talking about the wild forest fire in California, but there accidents happened recently in Shanghai, to be more specific, in PuDong. First one, the gas station explosion, killed 4, one is killed by concret debris 1km away! Second one, the fire in Will's Gym on Superbrand Mall last Sunday 10PM. No one gets hurts. This is the biggest mall in PuDong. Last one, I saw dark smoke last Sunday morning on Longhui Road. It seems one restaurant caught fire. Hopfully, we will have some rain this week.


老百姓也没啥好讨论的。房子贵,车牌贵,说了也没用。所以老虎和嫦娥现在就成了焦点话题。老虎是真是假,好像已经讨论出真相了。当初这个可是上了新闻联播的。 嫦娥登月有点意思。当初也是敲锣打鼓的宣传了一通,突然有一天就没官方消息了。老百姓素来有从没有新闻读出新闻的能力,大家都猜可能卫星通讯出了问题。可笑的新闻联播突然在节目的最后放了一段卫星传回来的视频。好像一切都很正常。结果过了几天,关于卫星通讯中断的官方消息来了。昨天说卫星开始定位,准备开始采集声音信号,然后采集视频信号,月底传回来。 前几天的视频信号是咋来的?

55K for a shanghai car plate

It is almost there. To bid a shanghai car plate, the price is about 55K. It is crazy. The original idea is to control the car increase rate on the road. It works, but not that good as expected because as a workaround, a car with adjacent cities' plate can also be driven fine. The cost is just around a couple of thousands instead. The bar here is just making middle income family life tougher. For poor guys, the public transportation is good enough. For rich guys who can spend millions on a car, who give a damn about the car plate price. If I buy a car, I will put a non-shanghai plate for sure. What's the 55K paid for?