If you have CIsco AnyConnect installed before, but not uninstalled properly (Click Uninstall AnyConenct under Application -> Cisco to uninstall properly), you might have trouble to install again. It complains it is installed already. To trick the system, you can run the following commands depending on the modules installed before. sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.vpn sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.fireamp sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.dart sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.websecurity_v2 sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.nvm_v2 sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.umbrella sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.iseposture sudo pkgutil --forget com.cisco.pkg.anyconnect.posture sudo
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