ActiveMQ: Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS) message broker Ant: Java-based build tool APR: Apache Portable Runtime, a portability library written in C Axis: Apache Axis is an open source, XML based Web service framework Beehive: A Java visual object model Camel: A declarative routing and mediation rules engine which implements the Enterprise Integration Patterns using a Java based domain specific language. Cayenne: A Java ORM framework Cocoon: XML publishing framework Commons: Reusable Java libraries and utilities too small to merit their own project CXF: web services framework DB: database solutions Derby: A pure Java Relational database management system Directory: A directory server supporting LDAP and other protocols Excalibur: Inversion of Control container named Fortress and related components Forrest: documentation framework based upon Cocoon Apache Geronimo: a Java EE server Gump: integration, dependencies, and versioning management Harmony: implementation of the Java programming ...