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Showing posts from September, 2006


故事的情节很简单, 就是经典的王子复仇记五代十国版. 里面的杀戮鲜血四溅, 超级血腥.LOR之后,大家都掌握了骑士杀手的拍摄要素. 情色的部分也令人血脉分张, 想咽口吐沫.可以看到章子仪和周迅替身的屁股.突然发现章子仪的电影我是一个都不落啊.觉得她真的越演越好了, 而且很有自己的风格.特别善于演绎那种自己打拼,高处不胜寒的女强人.坚强的外表下一幅寂寞春怀无人知的感觉.大概就是自己真实的写照把. 现在国内的大片都是按照冲击奥斯卡,顺便带动票房的目标拍的. 而且都喜欢以中国古代宫廷为背景.这大概也是大家觉得中国电影在国际上可能取胜的一个法宝吧.我觉得夜宴比无极有戏.无极就是一坨屎. 张靓颖唱的片尾曲'我用所有报答爱'果然好听. 百度里可以 听一下 .

Car is back

The mechanician told me the fault was because a wire is worn out. The towing charge is $45. Other than that, it is free of charge because the car is still under warranty. It still took me another $10 taxi free to get it, and $8 to taxi back home that evening. On the good side, I was forced to take a day off. I was thinking about to take some days off but the current project is totally overrun. Finally I got a chance to see the movie Banquet.

NTUC Incomeshield是个流氓保险

被它烦死了。After one year insured, we receive a letter ask to renew, we don't pay. if we dont pay, it means we dont want renew it. After several weeks, we receive 3 letters said they will deduct it from CPF automatically. So I called to cancel. The person answered the call just stupid enough to make no decision, and ask to call me back. They called back, and said will send me a form to cancel. I receive the form, this form is non-sense. No single option to cancel it. i called back, they told me an email address, ask me to send email to cancel, I thought it is done. Today I received the letter to ask me pay premium again. I am really out of control, yelled on the phone, and as expected, they will call me back. Fuck you, NTUC Incomeshield.

Car breaks down :(

Yesterday when I was driving home on fast lane, as usual 100-120km/h speed, suddently the car slow down. I tried to accelerate, but the car was like a dying horse. Turn on the emergency light, change 4 or 5 lanes, and get off the AYE expressway. Lucky me, there is a Shell gas station, and the car was able to struggle to reach it. At the gas station, the car was totally down. I had to wait there for about 45 minutes until a tow truck came. The car is still under 36 months or 100,000 km warranty, but as I was informed, the towing charge is not covered. I need check if my car insurance covers it.

Java Revisited

Singelton - use a public static final varible and a private constructor, to guarantee single instance. If serializable, provide readResolve() to return this instance. Magic GC - whenever a class (Stack) manages its own memory, be careful of memory leak. Another common source of leak is cache. LinkedHashMap.removeEldestEntry. Equals and Comparable - Override hashCode whenever override equals. Cloneable - all classes implement Cloneable should override clone with a public method. The method sould call super.clone first, and copy mutable fields. Better to use copy constructor. Proteced - private, package private(default), protected and public. Subclass method override superclass method can not have lower access level. Decorator - composition and forwarding

A paper worth 120 billion

I come across this paper on the internet - The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine . This paper is about a web search engine called Google. Now google is a 120 billion company. That's really the most amazing thing in IT after dot com boom.




小说的前半部分比较精彩, 用浓重笔墨栩栩如生的讲述了几位梁山好汉 - 林冲, 鲁智深, 武松, 杨志,穿插着交待了柴进, 史进, 晁盖等人智取生辰纲. 晁盖为梁山打下了第一桶金, 坐第一把交椅. 故事到这就出现了转折. 突然冒出个宋江. 令人难以置信, 怎莫江湖上就这好的名声. 按照当时的通信水平, 一个县吏, 实在不知道怎得就人人都想拜他做大哥. 然后就莫名其妙的收了诸多江湖好汉. 上了梁山, 虽然坐第二把交椅, 但是俨然是大哥. 次次都是他领着弟兄出去火拼. 次次都大获全胜, 还能收不少弟兄. 晁盖在山上的地位岌岌可危, 终于要出山一次. 就这一次, 就在曾头市被射死. 宋江自然坐了第一把交椅, 虽然晁盖死时交待的条件也不管用了, 也从侧面反映了晁盖的地位. 小说的高潮部分就是108条好汉大聚义. 其实里头凑数的混混不少, 特别是72地煞星. 最后打方腊, 真正是天有定数, 稀里哗啦的几乎都死光了. 小说里还有个事实, 就是当时人吃人肉好像很普遍啊.


RTP/RTCP RFC 1889 RTP is application layer, doesn’t provide QoS. RTP header has packet seq#, timestamp, sync source. RTCP carries timestamp, SSRC, packet counts, lost packets, highest seq# received, and jitter. RTP packet header is typically 12 octets. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |V=2|P|X| CC |M| PT | sequence number | RTP +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | timestamp | Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | synchronization source (SSRC) identifier | +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ | contributing source (CSRC) identifiers | | .... | +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=...

Chinese Heritage Center @ NTU

Phone interview by Google Beijing

I applied engineer position in Google Beijing. After a couple of days, got a call to setup the first round phone interview. The turn around time is really fast. Within a week, I got 3 phone interviews from them. I am now waiting the result. The interviews are all conducted in English, except the first one, the second half session is in Mandarin. I feel they are all oversea scholars base on their English fluency. The technical questions cover a very wide range, but are more focused on data manipulation, processing and storage. Google definitely has an interview questionnaire. They pick up from the set and ask. I didn't meet any tricky questions, but some questions are very academic.

去Suntec Expo附近观察了一圈

因为开IMF World Bank会议, 果然是戒备森严啊. 平常从Marina Sqaure去Suntec Expo的那个过街天桥全都封了, 只能有通行证的过. 天桥底下Temasek Blvd全部封了, 架起隔离铁丝墙, 停着几辆防暴警车. 家乐福的那个入口站了两个荷枪实弹的士兵.大概想象了一下, 周围的高楼顶上肯定有狙击手盯着. Suntec一带的商店肯定生意受影响不小.

Singapore Marina Area


IMF and World Bank annual meeting will be held at Suntec Expo from Sep 10 to Sep 20. The streets around this area is closed since this Sunday 10PM. This morning I drove to work. Nice, so quite the streets near Suntec are. Lots of guys in uniform, police, civil defence, somehow I feel like VIP. There will be some protestors who are against finacial globalization during the meeting. IMF proposed to allow them protest outdoors. Singapore has refused. They can allow protest in the designated area indoors.


坡妹就是新加坡妹妹啦. 因为气候单一, 所以大家的打扮也单一. 白领坡妹 - 披肩长发, 或直或烫成卷.呈黑色或棕色. 上身紧身细腰衣服, 下配裙子, 不穿袜, 光脚穿高跟拖鞋. 大学生坡妹 - 过肩短发, 一般不烫. 上身大文化衫, 下穿超级短短裤, 光脚穿平跟拖鞋. 中学生坡妹 - 马尾巴, 裙式校服, 运动袜, 旅游鞋.

Phone screening by Microsoft

I submitted my resume to MS Shanghai. After a week, I got a call. The tech recruiter apparently was reading through some routine questionnaire. As the first round, it just got more understanding based on the resume. Nothing interesting. At the end, she asked me why I switched my career to Computer Science later on while I was graduated in Automation from Tsinghua. This one is lame. It was more than 10 years ago. Even Mechanics can switch to CS, right?

Samba share from Solaris

To view folder on Solaris, you can configure Solaris samba service as below: cd /etc/sfw cp smb.conf-example smb.conf vi smb.conf add the lines before Share Definations as password server = None guest ok = yes guest account = patrol security = SHARE dns proxy = no add the lines below to the end [home] path = /export/home/patrol writeable = yes comment = patrol home on blue Restarts samba services /etc/init.d/samba stop /etc/init.d/samba start Now from Windows, you can access the Solaris server by \\blue

Easy Simmer Fried Pork

Ingredients: 2 lbs pork meat (5 levels – skin, fat, lean, fat, lean), Ginger, Aniseed, Rock Candy, Dark Soy Sauce Utensils: Wok, wood or steel turner, knife, cutting board for raw meat Preparation: Cut the pork meat into small pieces, depending on your own preference. Each piece should have 5 levels. Notes: 1. Put some cooking oil into wok, wait it hot; 2. Put in the diced pork meat, stir until all meats’ color turn from red to pinky white; 3. Put in cold water until it covers all the meats, put in some ginger, one aniseed, and wait the water to boil 4. Once boiling, turn the cooking fire to minimal, and cover the wok to simmer for 45 minutes. 5. Turn up the cooking fire, put in 4 or 5 of rock candies, some dark soy sauce, and stir until the water in the wok is almost gone, and meats turn into caramel color. 6. The dish is ready.

Din Tai Fung @ Paragon

Din Tai Fung recently open a new branch at Paragon Basement level 1. In 1993 the New York Times rated the Din Tai Fung as "among the 10 best international restaurants." The restaurants lobby is big. The decoration is in cool traditional Chinese style, painting and calligraphy on the wall. The waitresses are all walky-talky. Highlights are Shanghai-style dumplings, pasta pillows filled with broth and meats like pork and crab. Crescent-shaped vegetable dumplings are loaded with minced greens; pork dumplings are crowned with little shrimp. The menu also features buns, soups and noodles. One point here, the restaurant just looks so similar to Crystal Jade. In Singapore, I think there are just too many restaurants selling noodles and dumplings.