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Happy Chinese New Year


android setup

install SDK install ADT Plugin for Eclipse eclipse windows > preferences > Android, set up SDK location. eclipse windows > Android SDK and AVD Manager create virtual devices by clicking 'New' button. you can also download more packages within that manager. create some hello world projects through wizard or import samples. run the project as Android Application, and it is launched in the AVD.


《让子弹飞》一会儿,各种各样的解读就越发神奇地冒了出来,以至于大家都相信中宣部很生气,要禁这部电影的传言。 说到禁片,让人联想到姜文的《鬼子来了》。最近网上《鬼子来了》和《阳光灿烂的日子》也热了起来。《鬼子来了》里面没有一个正面人物,这样的片子是完全反传统的,里面没有敌后抗日力量的正面描写,对日本侵略者也表现出了复杂的感情。里面最多的就是令人吃惊的愚昧无知,唯利是图,摇摆不定的农民和城市小市民,尽管鲁迅早已经在他的作品中对中国农民的愚昧落后表现出了强烈地深恶痛绝和悲哀。 《阳光灿烂的日子》是一部大家都看得懂的片子。 《太阳照常升起》是一部大家都没看懂的片子。

Books of Mao

I was reading the 2 books about Mao. Mao, A Biography by Ross Terrill. Mao, A Life by Philip Short. Both books add up over 1000 pages. There is a saying that "tomorrow is a mystery", but for Mao, it would be much appropriate to say "history is a mystery". you can peek through the books, and know some brutal facts based on what the authors are trying to tell. However, you might have another doubt, "what's real?", and feel lucky no part of those revolutionary days.