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Jessie Doll

© kunwei2005

1000 Best Reviewers at Amazon

Not bad, it is not but

Dickin Medal

It is a special medal for the animal heroes in the war. Most recipients are pigeons, dogs, or horses. Just one cat made to the list so far. His name is Simon . His story is somehow related to civil war time in China.

Remember me, the movie

I haven't done movie review for quite long, since nothing was that impressive to write something. I watched some movies at theatre, such as Toy Story 3, and seven little monks, all junky . I also watched some on the HD movie channel, and some through the emule . One movie I am really expecting is Inception . One movie to mention is Salt, very typical Hollywood made, packed with actions. Another movie is Remember me. It started with the scene of NYC subway station in 80's. The girl's mother was robbed and murdered. I watched first half, and just can't stand it - another Romeo and Juliet? Yesterday I finished the second half, and it seems just a love story - spoiled rich kid, troubled fatherhood, all looks so normal, until the last minute. Location: WTC Time: morning, Sep 11, 2001. This is the turning moment for US, and the world. The world is fundamentally changed after that point. Now it is almost Sept in 2010, you can still feel it. Well, I guess the next ticking poin

NYC subway in 80's

In Gladwell's book tipping point , to isolate the epidemic's 3 contributing factors, one example taken is the zero tolerance policy for fare-beating and vandalism on the NYC subway. I had no idea what it looked like back then, until when I saw this blog .

high performance web sites rule1: make fewer http requests rule2: use a cdn (content delivery network) rule3: add an expire header rule4: gzip components rule5: put stylesheets at the top rule6: put scripts at the bottom rule7: avoid css expression rule8: make javascript and css external rule9: reduce dns lookups rule10: minify javascript rule11: avoid redirects rule12: remove duplicate scripts rule13: configure etags rule14: make ajax cacheable

two rocks converse