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city of nanjing

五一本来只是另一个普通的long weekend, 今年借世博的福,上海市民享受了五天的假期。大家也都普遍相应了政府的号召,纷纷出游,把上海和世博的头几天留给全世界人民。我也匆匆忙忙得买了去南京的动车车票。 酷暑也随着五一假期一起到来了。放假前还是早春寒的天气,五一假期全国温度陡升十几度。南京的旅游,在30几度的高温下开始了。 南京不愧是古都,不经意路边就冒出一幢民国时期的老楼。有些道路应该也是民国时期就形成的,蜿蜒曲折,两边梧桐树像大伞一样给大家遮住烈日。整个城市和无锡的悠闲恬静不同,倒是更像上海,喧嚣而忙碌。破旧不堪的出租车,密布的红绿灯,让大家的生活在走走停停中躁动了起来。

fudan zhangjiang campus

in china, the blooming real estate industry has basically kicked out all the universities from metro area. it is a win-win situation. more apartments and business buildings can be build, and universities can get much bigger new campus in suburb area. campus is always a place that you can slow down, and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

tongji jiading campus

it is far away from the city, to get there, the taxi fare is about cny200 from pudong zhangjiang area. there are really not much to hang around outside the campus. given that, the students can really focus on their study within the campus, which is definitely a good thing.

Chongming Island, here we come

We went to the Chongming Island for team building this weekend. Chongming Island is the 3rd largest island in China. It is huge. We drove half hour from one side to the center. To get there, take tunnel highway from PuDong District to Changxing Island. And then take the bridge from Changxing Island to Chongming Island. It is about one and a half hour drive.

cat touched by ps cs5 white rabbit

Shanghai Botanic Garden

lots of tulips, and lots of people.


周末正在看《干掉一切对手,看高盛如何算赢世界》,有一部继《货币战争》后的阴谋论经济书,不管真假,看起来倒也有趣。一件件,细细道来:奥巴马怎么战胜希拉里,最终入住白宫。雷曼兄弟为什么没人救,只能破产,而两房,AIG却度过次贷危机。中航油和陈久霖如何梦到新加坡。在作者的眼里,一切都是高盛设计好的局。 看到这,听到这则新闻,“新华网莫斯科4月10日电 俄罗斯紧急情况部说,波兰总统卡钦斯基及夫人乘坐的一架图-154飞机10日在俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克失事,卡钦斯基被确认身亡。”是不是又是高盛的局?