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beasts behind the bar

cloud computing defined

The services themselves have long been referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS). The datacenter hardware and software is what we will call a Cloud. When a Cloud is made available in a pay-as-you-go manner to the general public, we call it a Public Cloud; the service being sold is Utility Computing. We use the term Private Cloud to refer to internal datacenters of a business or other organization, not made available to the general public. Thus, Cloud Computing is the sum of SaaS and Utility Computing, but does not include Private Clouds. -- by UCB RAD Lab The full paper is at



《妙法蓮華經》說一乘圓教,表清淨了義,究竟圓滿 ,微妙無上。《法華經》是佛陀釋迦牟尼 晚年所說教法,屬於開權顯實的圓融教法,大小無異,顯密圓融,顯示人人皆可成佛之一乘了義。在五時教判中,屬於法華、涅槃之最後一時。因經中宣講內容至高無上,明示不分貧富貴賤,人人皆可成佛,所以《法華經》也譽爲“經中之王”。 在大乘佛法兴起的时代,有了以「声闻」、「缘觉」为二乘或小乘, 以「菩萨」为大乘的说法。《法华经》就是在这种背景下結集的代表作品,提出了「开权显实」、「会三归一」的思想,融会三乘为一乘(佛乘)。以「声闻」、 「缘觉」二乘为方便(权)说,「二乘」终究要以成佛为最终目标(如「化城喻品」所说),开启了「回小向大」的门径,这是一种崭新的学说思想,也是本经的主旨所在,在佛教思想史上占有至关重要的地位。


there is a lamp on linux , so a wamp on windows. to install, simply go to , download and install the bundle. the wampserver 2.0i bundle includes: apache 2.2.11 mysql 5.1.36 php 5.3.0 once installed, you have a running web hosting server, with phpadmin and phpinfo handy. it is a starting point. based on that, you can grab the phpbb or mediawiki to host your own bbs and wiki.


显教中的六观音 大悲观音,破地狱道三障 大慈观音,破恶鬼道三障 狮子无畏观音,破畜生道三障 大光普照观音,破阿修罗道三障 天人丈夫观音,破人道三障 大梵深远观音,破天道三障 密教中的六观音 千手观音 圣观音 马头观音 十一面观音 准提观音 如意轮观音 大悲千地狱,大慈正恶鬼,狮子马头畜,大光面修罗,天人准泥人,大梵如意天。

