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无锡去上海不到两百公里,驾车转眼就到,特别是过了苏州以后,高速公路就很通畅了, 特别是环太湖高速,差不多就是你自己的专属车道。整个无锡,还保留着一份闲暇的情致。依太湖而居,处处风光。就算是黄金周,游客也没那么多。不管是鼋头渚,还是蠡园,梅园,都可以让人感觉到一份放松的惬意。一杯清茶,就可以坐一个下午,微微的清风中带着些许桂花的香味。


ThreadLocal is arguably the easiest way to render a stateful class thread-safe, or to encapsulate non-thread-safe classes so they can safely be used in multithreaded env. ThreadLocal can be used to implement per-thread-singleton, or per-thread-conext.


昨天的新闻联播好像播了个盛大的晚会,貌似一部恢弘巨著,演员乌央乌央的站满了舞台,当然也有宋祖英鹤立鸡群的表演,和革命歌舞史诗东方红有一拼,第三代第四代核心都观看了演出(胡主席,江泽民等同志)。 可是大家拍拍自己的肚皮,有观看东方红的那份感动吗?看着一个个细皮嫩肉的演员,穿着崭新的红军贫农的衣服,滑稽可笑。一切都看着那么假。时代在变,现在世界上只有一个活在乌托邦的国家朝鲜,在搞这种东西。佛说,诸行无常,万物都是在变化的。可惜,看到的还是一些不顾事物的变化,天真的弹奏着过去的调调。冷战的年代,国家摩擦的时期,国家需要整齐强大的阅兵仪式来提升士气,威慑敌方。和平年代,换个思路,来些花车,美女,来平和一下国内的戾气。 说来说去,我们过去有孔孟之道,程朱理学,三民主义,毛泽东思想维系国民的信仰,现在呢?

what's your driving mood?

the road has two lanes, one for straight, one for left turn, and some space for bicycles and motorcycles. during rush hour, the road is packed with three lines of cars, that's fine. even with that, some drivers still want to cut in between lanes. this is my experience this morning. i was driving as a good citizen to work this morning. the road was jammed with traffic, as usual. a van wanted to merge in the traffic, nobody yielded. the two cars almost collided. i let the van in. from nowhere, a taxi popped up and joined in. now the traffic was jammed. i waited these 2 cars mingled. after the traffic was just back to normal, a 3rd car tried to cut in. now i was totally pissed off, and pushed that car behind, like other drivers did.


producer <bean id="fooBatchProcessor" class="foo.jms.client.JmsFooBatchProcessor"> <property name="jmsTemplate" ref="jmsTemplate"> </property> </bean> <bean id="jmsTemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate"> <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"> </property> <property name="defaultDestination" ref="barQueue"> </property> </bean> <bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory"> <property name="brokerURL" value="vm://embedded?broker.persistent=false"> </property> </bean> <bean id="barQueue" class="org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue"> <constructor-arg value=""> </constructor-arg> </bean> consumer/listener <jms:listener-cont

wrong login password in oracle enterprise manager

in oracle em, when you perform oracle db, listener shutdown/start, and some other administration tasks, you will need put host username and password. if you see the wrong password message, try this following steps: run secpol.msc add your account into the policy - log on as an batch job