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PCI Compliance

Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance is a complex and ever evolving subject affecting millions of businesses – acquiring banks, Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs), processors, hosts, shopping carts, e-commerce and retail merchants and other merchant services providers. The PCI Compliance Guide, powered by ControlScan, is one of the leading educational Websites available focused exclusively on PCI compliance. Beyond the expertise we bring to the PCI Compliance Guide, we work with many of the most renowned subject matter experts in the industry to deliver the latest information about PCI compliance guidelines, trends, best practices and practical tips to help educate the entire PCI compliance food chain.


老子的《道德经》只有五千字,却是中国三大奇书之一。昨天听广播的讲座,挺有意思。老子当过东周国家图书馆馆长,大概与此阅读了大量的上古牛书,什么三皇五帝八卦之类的。这批书籍基本上是古昆仑文化(女娲,精卫,共工等等)的精华,但是全都不传于世。只是一些只言片语流传了下来,就是春秋时期的百家争鸣,乃至今天的《黄帝内经》,《周易》和《山海经》。老子大概是这批典藏的唯一阅读人。基于此,做了大量的阅读笔记和自己的体会,就是《道德经》。说是读书笔记,因为里面竟然有不少和其他典籍(《黄帝内经》)重复的语句。 孔子向老子问道的时候,老子已经七十多岁,骑牛出关的目的地就是寻找古昆仑,上古文化的集中地。



近日张江政府为了拉动内需,保持张江地区的可持续发展以及房子的销售旺势,购进大批房源做为张江人才公寓 ( )。张江男女可以方便的租用,并且获取政府补贴。

concurrency locking

pessimistic locking - lock resource exclusively. a write lock indicates nobody else can read/update/delete it. a read lock allows others to read but not update/delete. it is easy to implement, but expensive and not scalable. optimistic locking - agree on infrequent collisions situation. detect instead of exclusively prevent. the state of resource is saved, and compared at the end. if state is modified at the commit time, conflict happens and the transaction is rolled back. the state can be a unique value (timestamp, seq) in data row. overly optimistic locking - agree on no collisions situation. no lock and detect at all.

shoe throwing

Shoe throwing is a hot gesture for politicians. Are you popular enough to get others flying shoes? Bush got it. Wen got it too! The disturbance was cut in the live broadcast during Wen's speech at Cambridge. Surprisingly, this accident is not canned and goes public in CCTV news, the official media of China.


三年后又回了趟家乡宝鸡,这个城市依然没有什么翻天覆地的变化,一切都是依旧那么熟悉。除了去年冬天中国到处下雪外,冬天依旧是干旱少雨,空气中有些许烟 的味道。但是也不是一成不变。和中国的很多中小城市一样,在东一块,西一点的悄悄的演变着。可能是闹市区的一家商场换了招牌,可能是新开了一家麦当劳,可 能是马路上冒出些宝马,SUV的好车来。 正是这种时间缓慢的流动,让回家的人找到了家乡的感觉,回想到过去在这里长大的时光。