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读钱文忠的玄奘西游记,有点虎头蛇尾的感觉。开始还好,越读越没劲。基本就是照着大唐西域记和大慈恩寺三藏法师传,生涩的讲述故事。一段文言文,一段现代文解释。无文采,无感情。文章中间看不出作者自己的观点和理解。觉得这个人怎么动不动就说我的老师季先生,很没底气的样子。东西不多,还要分成薄薄的上下册。 我自己觉得易中天的品三国还是挺精彩的,从通俗小说到历史资料,辅以通俗的讲述,而且有作者自己的想法和观点。

The quest from software engineer to anther role (manager)

After worked in a small company in Pasadena for 4 years as software engineer, the question came to my mind. How could I break to the next level? Am I gonna stuck on this for the rest of my life? I believe for quite a few oversea Chinese, it is one common quest. I saw the same question asked on mitbbs again and again. Once you have this question in your mind, you will not be settled on current position. I decided to step out of the comfortable zone, and recharge myself a little bit. The decision and investment varies - study overseas, go for MBA, immigrate, or study something new. MBA, my 3rd master degree? No. Since I wasn't quite sure what should I do, I studied during office hours and got a bunch of certificates - MCSE , MCAD , MCP , SJCP , SJWCD , CCNP , and PMP . I even got full reimbursement for all the expense. After several weeks, the phone calls from recruiters such as MS and Google came in. Through these phone calls, I realized how difficult to switch to other roles such


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Lin Miaoke (林妙可) and Yang Peiyi (杨沛宜)

Why did the bloody hell they do this on the first hand? One has pretty face and another has great voice, for kids? I don't know what's the lead male singer Liu Huan's thoughts on this. Thinking about it, two little girls have to go through this kind of shit and meaningless pressure. Now what they can do is , as usual, deleting all the related posts in China.

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