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从政策上看,貌似很简单的样子。具体操作起来,就是另外一回事了。我出国的时候户口没有注销,需要走户口迁移的流程。先办了一堆的什么文件翻译,税单,工作合同,留学人员认证之类的东西,开始准备。首先要单位证明,户口所在地开具同意迁出的证明,户籍证明,托过人,也自己去了北京几次,高高兴兴的去交表格。被告知因为是集体户口,少了户口首页,不可以。 又接着办,对方说北京公安局已经不办理户籍证明,户口卡盖人才中心的章就可以。结果过了一段时间,上海这边告知这样的格式不行,有了新政策,必须要盖公安局的章。又白忙活了。 另外就是国外出生的小孩落户问题。第一次被告知办理需要上缴美国护照,并且写放弃美国国籍的声明。过了一阵子,好像又没人说了。但是通过公安局办理,被告知不符合现行政策,不给小孩落户。现在打算去北京落户,去了一次, 那边的计生办说可能要跑几趟,能不能成还不一定。什么准生证,第一胎证之类, 听的人头大。 太折腾了。出国注销户口,没有小孩的比较简单,其他的操作起来都很麻烦。

海归落户上海之政策篇 标题:关于出国留学人员及其家属来沪工作办理户口的的通知 发布日期:1998-2-4各区、县人事局、各公安分局、县公安局、浦东新区公安局:  为了鼓励出口留学人员来上海工作,促进上海经济和社会发展,加强本市户籍管理,根据国家和上海市有关政策及当前留学人员工作中出现的新情况,现对留学人员及其家属来沪定居办理户口迁移手续做如下规定:一、留学人员及其从国外随归的配偶、子女,经批准来沪定居的.公安派出所(警察署)凭上海市人事局出具的盖有上海市留学人员工作处印章的《留学人员(家属)入户证明信》样张附后)和护照(复印件)等文件,办理落户手续,其国外出生的子女,应提供国外出生证明。  上述人员出国时如未注销国内常住户口,在办理上述手续时,还应持有上海市人事局出具的盖有上海市留学人员工作处印章的《调动人员情况登记表》,到区、县公安部门申领《准予迁入证明》。留学人员双方或其中一方可从国外随带子女来沪定居。二、留学人员来上海定居工作,其国内随调、随迁的配偶、子女,经批准来沪定居的,凭上海市人事局出具的盖有上海市留学人员工作处印章的《留学人员(家属)入户证明信》及公安部门出具的《户口迁移证明》、《准予迁入证明》等文件,到入户地的公安部门办理入户手续。  留学人员子女随迁如超过规定年龄,可照顾随带一名与其共同生活的未婚子女。男性不从外省市随带子女来沪落户(离婚、丧偶除外)。三、留学人员来上海定居工作,随归配偶或子女如持外国护照的,凭经上海市人事局批准并出具的盖有上海市留学人员工作处印章的证明。本人外国护照,到市公安局出入境管理处办理外国人在沪居留手续,居留期限一般为一年,但不得超过留学人员在沪居留期限。  来上海应聘短期工作或投资办企业的留学人员,凭盖有上 海市人事局印章的由上海市人民政府统一印制的《出国留学人员回国短期工作证》到指定的公安部门办理暂住户口手续。其随归配偶或子女如持外国护照,在沪居留办理手续同上。四、本规定不适用于回国探亲、旅游的留学人员。五、原有文件规定与本通知规定有抵触的以本通知为准。附:1、留学人员(家属)入户证明信;(略)  2、调动人员情况登记表。(略)

A short trip to Beijing

Last Friday, I flied to Beijing again for some Hukou related issues. As usual, the flight from Shanghai to Beijing was delayed for 30 minutes. This time I found one better choice of transportations than taxi, the airport shuttle. The ticket fare is CNY 16 from airport to ZhongGuanCun . It turned out that I arrived in Beijing in the wrong time. It was very hot and humid. The whole city was just like cooked in a steaming hot pot. When I completed my tasks and came back to airport in the evening, it begun to rain, the heavy T-storm. The airport was shut down, no landing, no taking off. Some flights were cancelled eventually. My flight was 20:00PM. The flight was not cancelled and finally took off after midnight. When I arrived in Shanghai, it was around 3:00AM already. The neat thing is PuDong Terminal 2, it locates right on another side of Meglev . However, for the 3 terminals in Beijing airport, it is another story. It generates lots of confusion for passengers about which terminal

Share folders between master Windows XP and VMWare hosted Ubuntu

To share Windows folder to Ubuntu - share the folder in Windows - run the following commands in Ubuntu > cd > mkdir winshare > sudo chmod 777 winshare > sudo aptitude install smbfs > sudo aptitude install winbind > sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf, add wins to hosts line > sudo mount -t cifs \\windows_host_name\shared_folder_name /home/username/winshare -o windows_username To share Ubuntu folder to Windows - run the following commands in Ubuntu > cd > mkdir vmshare > sudo chmod 777 vmshare > browse to vmshare folder in Nautilus UI, righ-click and follow the steps to share. - access the shared folder in Windows as \\ubuntu_host_name_or_ip\vmshare

Bible in hotel?

Normally there are two books in the US hotel, Local Y ellowpage and the Bible. Now the Olympics game is coming, should hotels in Beijing offer free copy of Bible? From the news, it seems China is publishing more copies of Bible for this purpose. If Bible is provided? Should they provide other religious books, such as Qur'an ?

Seeing super size menu bar and icon in Firefox 3?

I always adjust my screen resolution with 144 DPI . With this DPI , the Firefox 3 shows up with super big size menu bar and font. To fix this problem, type in about: config in Firefox 3 address bar, ignore the warning, and add one new Integer entry - layout.css.dpi with value 96 . Since my desktop DPI is 144, I set it to 143 instead of 96. Unfortunately, it works here, but breaks some sites such as Gmail layout. The Gmail fonts are just too tiny to tell.

Shanghai Oriental Art Center

We went to Shanghai Oriental Art Center last evening. There are a couple of shows - one is Italian Artists Piano Duo, another is Butterfly Lovers by Shanghai Ballet. The Piano Duo is a sold-out. Quite a few ticket scalpers are outside to offer tickets. The price is fair, CNY 200 for CNY 180 value ticket.