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Dental care in Shanghai

Got toothache last weekend. So I went to PuDong Oriental Hospital on Saturday morning around 8AM. I was lucky to get the queue number and was told to come back in this afternoon, since there were already many patients in the queue. I came back in the afternoon, waited another 3 hours, and saw the doctor. The doctor checked a little bit, and said since the pain is there, it is hard to tell now which one is bad. She told me to go home until the pain is clear and easy to pinpoint. Next Monday, it hurts again and I know myself which teeth hurts. I went back to PuDong Oriental Hospital in the afternoon. This time I got queue number 242. It means there are 240 patients ahead of me in the same day to be processed! Waited another 3 hours, and I gave up. I decide to try some private dental clinic tomorrow. I called Angels Dental Clinic located on the PuDong Blvd to make the reservation, came there without waiting. The doctors and nurses look professional. After 1 hour, it is done. So why not

earthquake felt in shanghai

Because of toothache, I was waiting in the hospital nearby LuJiaZui CBD area. Around 2:30PM, I went out to buy a drink, and suddenly saw so many peoples around. They all looked excited and anxious, chatting with each other about building, cell phone. I didn't feel anything at that moment , just thought some office building caught fire and people got evacuated? It turns out to be one of strongest earthquake happened in Sichuan , even Shanghai felt about it.


五一放假最后一天, 闲得没事,去小区门口的申之春作了个精油开背。一百多块,小姑娘在背上用精油揉了一通。揉完还是比较舒服的,觉得背很轻松。 -- 精油开背是从中医传统演绎而来的排毒醒肤与芳香精油相结合的美容方法。通过经络按摩,配合使用美体芳香精油,能舒经活络,畅通血脉,促进血液循环,活络筋骨,安抚调节情绪,舒解压力,消除疲劳,帮助睡眠,紧实皮肤,恢复弹性。再加上经特殊处理过的荞麦,附于相应部位从而达到除湿驱寒,改善睡眠的作用。 精油开背能深层渗透皮肤,疏通精络,减压,放松,更能起到理疗作用,正所谓“痛都不通,通都不痛”,脊椎更是人体的反射区,人体的五脏六腑都能反映在上面的特点:使用中医传统推拿手法疗法,来加强体内毒素排除并使养分正常输送使人体的病理变化恢复正常,而直接加强五脏六腑的背部,腰臀部反射点,并配合了芳香自然疗法来帮助改善身体的各种病症,同时也加强了自身的免疫力。它能马上消除疲劳,改善亚健康状态。

May 1st long weekend

After several years of tourist attractions damage during week-long golden May holiday, this May 1st holiday is shorten to long weekend. It was hot and humid. We decided to visit JinJiang Amusement Park. It turned out to be a long trip. The skyway was packed with cars. After crawling slowly in the hot expressway, the first cab broke down in the middle of it. We had to get off the expressway, and took another cab. As the cab went along, the traffic got worse and worse. And finally reached the point as packing lane. So we decided to get off the expressway as the next exit. Finally we arrived the subway, after 4 stops, we arrived at the park. The ticket windows were all open, each had about couple of hundreds of guys in the line. Once in the park, it was the same. Each ride had hundreds of guys waiting under the sun. The waiting time was about 1.5 hours. We didn't take any ride finally, and played some games and went back home.

torch relay back to china

finally, the torch relay is back to the first china city - hongkong . what happened during this global torch relay and the following impacts are not unexpected. you heard the questions asking who slaps whose face. for the last several relay cities in asia , i am not sure how reasonable the choice is. last weekend i went to carrefour located at big thumb square. there was big post in front of the store entrance states that carrefour is good business citizen in china, and support olympic game as always.

