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no country for old man

I watched the movie from Comparing to some trash Hollywood movies, it is an excellent movie, but I don't get why it is so good that sweep so many Oscar awards. Maybe it is really some culture tastes behind the story. About the typical lousy trash movies, I want to name one leading role actor, Ben Affleck.


搬家后觉得周围的生活档次明显比龙阳路万邦都市花园低了一个档次. 浦东大道附近大概是浦东开发后最先发展的, 现在看来都落伍了.周围没有什么大的卖场, 餐馆好像也档次一般. 甚至有很多低档次的生煎拉面馆.和龙汇路餐饮一条街, 麦德龙, 百安居不可同日而语.地方破旧, 人口密集.公交线路也很发达. 昨天去一家叫联丰生煎大王的吃饭,东西超便宜.吃了一会儿, 从后面厨房破跑出一个老鼠, 在大家的座位底下乱窜. 大概这也就是中国的大城市的真实的一面吧.


说两件事。 一次我老婆在携程定了机票,去ATM取了5000元, 数了没错,等送票的上门。送票的来了以后,给了票,我老婆就把那一把钱给了送票的。没有当面点。送票的拿了钱,也没马上点,一张张的对着光检验真伪。半天才开始数钱。一数, 成了4900。这下可说不清了。后来我老婆报了警,警察对这种现金交易的小额纠纷,也没办法。最后我老婆又给了他一百。国内现金交易一定要当面点清啊。否则出了纠纷, 就看谁厉害了。类似的事情在一个街边的水果摊也看过。一个人在和摊主吵。 一次我老婆打电话定了柚子茶和花粉。柚子茶是买大送小。送货的来了以后, 是我接的。花粉盒子皱皱巴巴的,一看,已经要过期了。所以就只买了柚子茶。刚关上门,我老婆说怎么没有送的?打开门,那个送货的正美滋滋的拿着一小瓶的柚子茶看呢。操,什么玩意,差点就被丫给米了。

picked by a thief

My wife's wallet was almost stolen by a thief yesterday. She was on the bus to work. It was not peak hour, and the bus was no packed. At one stop, 3 young guys got onboard. One sit besides my wife. He cut my wife's pocket. Luckily there was a pen blocked the cut open, and she found out. After his try was failed, the guy just smiled back when my wife blamed him. And those 3 guys alighted at the next stop. During the whole process, nobody on the bus even looked at this direction, just as if nothing was happened. This is the situation about thieves in Shanghai. I heard one similar story saying that theives in Shanghai are actually more civilized. One guy lost his wallet and all the important ID cards on a bus. After the recall, the next day, he persuaded the suspected thief to return his wallet, of course, no money left. So, remember one thing, money is just some notes circulated on the market, it is not part of your body.


最近看了两部国内的小制作电影,一个《我叫刘跃进》,一个《耳大有福》,挺有意思的。《我叫刘跃进》和《疯狂的石头》一个路子,几条线柔在一起。《耳大有福》讲东北老百姓的生活, 挺真实的。

the bund

vista of the bund and huangpu river from the top of oriental pearl tower.

world financial center and jin mao building

Vista of world finacial center (the tallest building in shanghai, even in china) and jin mao building (was the tallest) from oriental pearl tower .