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Mycosis Fungoides?

Can you believe in your life, you will come across some strange words like this - Mycosis Fungoides ? For unknown reason, might be her hair-dying habits, my mom is diagnosed with this illness. It is not so serious now, wish the first treatment is effective to slow down the progress. This is the bitter side of life.

Plain life

Based on my blog, it can be easily told how plain my daily life is. Get up at 7AM, go back home at 6PM. eat, watch pirate DVD and sleep. Shopping and wondering around during weekend. This is my life, actually plain in the good sense. I don't need overtime to overburn my energy, with good balance of work and family. Just for this kind of life, it is not easy to blog. That's why I get so many entries about movies.


无风不起浪,最近网上关于嫦娥月球图片的真假和瑕疵讨论不少。我相信嫦娥是真的上天了,而且在绕着月球飞。但是如果采取一些小聪明来掩盖过程中的问题,只会使整个绕月计划的可信度蒙上阴影。 老虎照片已经有专家出来证伪了。 其实这些事件的背后,告诉我们的是整个社会诚信的丧失。大家都在说假话,而且也相信别人也在说假话。说假话的人会用更多的假话来自圆其说,直到最后自己也不清楚自己是再说谎话还是真话。


这个电影拍的好,不管你怎么宣传主旋律,社会的次旋律是实实在在存在的。在上海的大街小巷, 都可以看到, 洗头妹穿着暴露, 坐在店里无聊的等待着客人, 和周围的兰州拉面, 水果摊和谐的融合在一起. 里面的接触镜头也拍的不错,直追好莱坞的大胆尺度。不过中间一些摇晃的实景拍摄,很多新生代导演都喜欢用, 看得人头晕.

proxy to bypass GFW

If your site is blocked by GFW in China, try installing a web proxy on machine outside China. I recommend this light weight proxy - ccproxy . Once ccproxy is up, configure it to allow only specific IP address, and certain services such as HTTP/HTTPS, default port is 808. Setup your machine inside GFW with this proxy, and you can now access wikipedia and blogspot !

Mycosis Fungoides stage by National Cancer Institute

Stage I The cancer only affects parts of the skin, which has red, dry, scaly patches, but no tumors. The lymph nodes are not larger than normal. Stage II Either of the following may be true: 1. The skin has red, dry, scaly patches, but no tumors. Lymph nodes are larger than normal, but do not contain cancer cells. 2. There are tumors on the skin. The lymph nodes are either normal or are larger than normal, but do not contain cancer cells. Stage III Nearly all of the skin is red, dry, and scaly. The lymph nodes are either normal or are larger than normal, but do not contain cancer cells. Stage IV The skin is involved, in addition to either of the following: 1. Cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes. 2. Cancer has spread to other organs, such as the liver or lung. Recurrent Recurrent disease means that the cancer has come back after it has been treated. It may come back where it started or in another part of the body.