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blogger is not blocked

just by chance, I found out is not blocked in china anymore, at least for now. I happily posted two entries with photos. before when this site is blocked in china, it is painful to post entries, not to say uploading the image. thanks for the successful 17th national congress of cpc;-) recall the thanks. it is blocked again.



ORITRON (东强) DVD Player W5601P

I bought one DVD player W5601P for CNY299 at Carrefour. The designers of this box is strange. They put quite a few very bright lights behind the buttons on front control panel. The light is so bright that you can't even focus on the TV screen. I open the case and get all those lights disabled. Now another problem, the remote control itself is a battery drainer. The new batteries drain out overnight. It sucks? Take this, when I try to call the customer service phone number printed on the box and on the user manual, it is even not a valid phone number!


搞不懂, 这片子为什么在国内被禁. 被禁需要理由吗? 我觉得可能的原因-片子的色调太颓废了, 诬蔑祖国大好河山之苏州河, 或者周迅漏了三点之外的部分. 不过被禁也好,片子摄影拍的晃得很,在电影院看有吐的可能. 里头的那首<夜上海>很好听.


最佳故事片:《云水谣》 最佳编剧:张思涛、唐灏、张弛、胡坤(《东京审判》) 最佳导演:尹力(《云水谣》)、戚建(《天狗》) 最佳男主角:富大龙(《天狗》) 最佳女主角:颜丙燕(《爱情的牙齿》)、刘嘉玲(《好奇害死猫》) 最佳男配角:王霙(《我的长征》) 最佳女配角:小香玉(《鸡犬不宁》) 评委会特别荣誉奖:《我的长征》 终身成就奖:张瑞芳、《我的长征》编剧陆柱国 提到金鸡奖,最近复习了两部不错的中国电影。葛优和刘晓庆的演技的确无愧于奖项. 《芙蓉镇》 获民主德国电影家协会1989年发行影片最佳外国故事片评论奖。 第七届金鸡奖最佳故事片奖、最佳女主角奖获奖者(刘晓庆)、最佳女配角奖获奖者(徐宁)、最佳美术奖(金绮芬) 第26届卡罗维发利国际电影节水晶球奖. 《活着》 获法国戛纳第47届国际电影节评委会大奖、最佳男主角奖、人道精神奖 第13届香港电影"金像奖"10大华语片之一 全美国影评人协会最佳外语片 洛杉矶影评人协会最佳外语片 美国电影"金球奖"最佳外语片提名 英国全国"奥斯卡奖"最佳外语片奖

Counterfeit brand market

The market is located at basement level of Metro #2 station -Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. All the world famous brands are there, cloth, shoes, bags, watches, ... If you can't find them, asking the sales, they will show you in the 'secret room'. The secret room is usually hidden well in the back of the store. It is interesting that most of the customers are not Chinese. The catch is, I am guessing, if they wear fake Lacoste shirt, fake Puma shoes, and carry a fake LV in a foreign country, they might make themselves believe those are real and good deal.