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中国古代科举制度之前, 有举孝廉之说. 能够成为孝廉, 就可能步入仕途. 最近中国也开始搞类似的活动, 搞全国道德模范的选举. 有意思.社会主义国家道德模范, 不知道是什么样的标准. 不过按照现在的社会现实, 标准不会太高. 否则也没必要搞这个活动了.

Free moon cake

Moon cake festival is coming. We got Ichido CNY198 moon cake voucher from company on Sep 14. The voucher will be expired on Sep 18. Ichido is chained and has one in Super Brand Mall (Zhengda Plaza). Apparently this store is not fully prepared with the volumn of vouchers. We went there on Friday, out of stock. Back again on Saturday, out of stock again. Damn, it sounds like cheating. Luckily company has contingency plan - collecting all the vouchers on Monday (Sep 17) and get moon cakes from Ichido in one shot. Still waiting my moon cakes. Frankly, why not just give us moon cakes instead of the vouchers at the beginning.

some traditional toys


去杭州玩, 租了自行车绕西湖,骑到后来快累死,经过这家店,西湖春天,在深圳吃过, 记得是味道很好的江浙菜。心想西湖边的西湖春天, 那岂不是更加正宗。点菜时候才发现,这里的主要是粤港菜为主。 西湖春天 地址:南山路101-17号(中国美院大厦对面) 简介:西湖春天,地段好,就在中国美术学院正对面。装潢"很有现代感",进门就能看见一道从三楼绵延而下的流水瀑布,配合着旁边晶莹剔... 菜系:粤港菜 江浙菜


看这名字起得多好。不仅名字好,地段也好,就在西湖边上 。里面的菜也很实惠,味道也不错。就是蚊子有点多。 天上人间 地址:湖滨路39号华侨饭店 菜系:江浙菜 西餐


虾肉小笼和虾肉馄饨也不错。还是杭州名小吃店。价格便宜, 中午排队买包子。 新丰小吃庆春路分店 地址:庆春路109号 简介:新丰小吃庆春路分店, 馄饨、小笼等风味小吃 菜系:小吃/面/快餐

New digital camera

One the trip to Hangzhou, my very robust and dependable Canon Powershot S200 failed. It has been very reliable. I just put it on my back poket, shot and go. The photo it took now looks like watercolor painting. To not miss the beauty of the West Lake, I bought my fourth digital camera - Nikon Coolpix S200 at Hangzhou GoMe electro supermarket. The whole set (camera/acc, 1G SD, carrying bag, extra battery, LCD screen) costs 1980 CNY. One thing interesting, the new one has the same model number S200 as the old one. The review - "Nikon's new Coolpix S200 is a stylish, ultra-compact and eminently pocketable 7 megapixel digital camera. The S200 is currently the smallest (3.6in/91.5 mm x 2.2in/56.5 mm), lightest (4.4 oz/125 g), and thinnest (0.76 inches/19mm) digital camera in Nikon's product catalog. The S200 is tough enough to go just about anywhere and simple enough to be used successfully by just about anyone. The snazzy little S200 (like the original Olympus Stylus) is th