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Apple and I

i bought my first apple laptop (as it is now, powerbook g4 1.33ghz, 768m ram, 60g hard disk, tiger os x, dvd/cd-rw combo, airport wireless, bluebooth, modem, ethernet, firewire, usb, and apple mouse ) in jan 2005 for usd 999, and also extra memory and mouse. it is shiny fine piece. after 3 months, the hard disk is dead. it is replaced free under the one year warranty. now it is 2 and half years old. the battery can hold almost no power. the combo drive has problem to emit and absorb the disk. i was trying to get the combo drive fixed. call the service center and get a quote around 2k - 3k cny. Jesus, forget about it. i was trying to open the case to replace the comebo drive myself. wow, read along .


13年前实习的时候,去杭州匆匆转了一圈。记得去了断桥,吃了西湖莼菜和醋鱼。感觉整个城市很舒适的样子。这次去,西湖依然是纯静迷人的,不过不是一成不变。西湖周围捡垃圾的多了。周围的商店也多了,不过档次实在是一般。人也变得浮躁的很。路上好车很多,进口的SUV (奥迪,奔驰,宝马,卡迪拉克)比比皆是,不过被出租车司机滴的很惨。那些出租车司机恨不得自己的车能飞起来。大家都玩命的抢路。杭州的餐馆,吃了几家,装潢得很棒,味道也不错,价格好像也还可以。总之就是山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休的背后,也无可奈何的透露出贫富差距的拉大。


we take the new crh(china railway highspeed) to hangzhou. the trip is about 1 hour and 15 minutes from shanghai south railway station to hangzhou. the ticket price is 54cny. the taxi from longyang road to shanghai south railway station is 50cny. the train is bullet shaped, even the waiting lodge in station is separated from other normal trains. when arrived, we found out our digital camera was broken. damn. the hotel booked on ctrip is 4-star zhejiang media hotel. from the name, you can guess it is related to some broadcasting and tv entities. the hotel is about 5-minute walking distance from west lake. we booked a family suite. the suite is spacious, with one 1.6m mattress and one 1.3m. it will be a perfect one if it has a window! well, nothing can be better than home beds. day one, we eat a little bit on the train, and take some bites in a bar on the lake. hop on a sightseeing boat for 45cny, we head for the small islet in the middle of west lake, and later another bigger islet

google sketchup


因为张江站是地铁二号线的首发站,大家都想最快挤上地铁,好抢个座位。等车区没人,大家都在上下车的位置等着。我因为只坐一站,也不用参与这个挤车抢座的活动。什么先下后上,没人理. 这几天天气凉快了,大家火气好像反而旺了起来。 前天是男青年甲和男中年乙因为抢着上推推搡搡了起来。本来男青年占优势,不知道怎么冒出来另外两个男青年丙,丁。对男青年甲发起迅雷不及掩耳的攻击。男青年甲被打蒙了,打电话报警,然后就在下一站下了。 昨天是几个大妈,本来来的晚,可是挤车水平一流。先蹭边,等车来了,竟相互推着冲到了前面。第一批进了地铁。搞得一个下车的男青年甲郁闷的不行,指责一个上车的男青年乙。男青年乙也很郁闷,本来在前面,被几个大妈抢了先。自己反被指责,推搡了几下。幸好大家一个上,一个下,方向不同。没打起来。

prospect theory

- in the scenario to gain, normal fools avoid risk - in the scenario to loss, normal fools take risk - normal fools judge gain or loss based on the reference point - normal fools are loss aversion