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Waiting a bus

The most convenient way from where I live to where I work is bus. I seldom take it though. This morning I waited for the bus, 2 stops, right in front of the office. The ticket is CNY 2 for air-conditioned bus, 1 for not air-coned. The passengers in bus are really packed during the rush hour, hard to board, hard to alight. I was able to board until the third bus came. Usually I take subway for just one stop, which costs CNY 3. If using a refillable board pass, I can get 10% discount after CNY 90 each month. Take a cab is the best, for about CNY 14, you are delivered within 5 minutes.

How network censorship works in China?

It is a known fact that internet contents are censored in China. The sensitive political and adultery related from outside China are filtered. The search engine (Google) and network hardware vendor (Cisco) were in top news related to this, as we all know. Because the limited gateways in between and SPs, it is not that difficult to monitor the flowing bits. Still it needs some intelligent to censor rich media bits, maybe there are some unpublished advanced technology used. Besides the technology, the mass of wise can also contribute by reporting to

Smoking is still okay in China

No matter you are smokers or not, you are smoking. You can smoke at almost anywhere. Even drama actors on TV are smoking. Recently someone suggests more strict smoking ban on National Congress currently holding in Beijing. The answer from a State Tobacco Monopoly Administration official is eyepoping - smoking ban is not a good move for social stability.

Cold and flu

On TV commercials, you will notice one type of ads are so common - the drugs for cold and flu. Because people get cold and flu more easily and seriously in China, market is there. When I was at US, for the first couple of years, I never has a single cold. The American flu virus is nothing to Chinese body immune system. In Singapore, I had cold but usually just one or two days rest, it was gone. Now back to China, for the first 3 months, I had cold every months. The last one was over a week.

People, people and more people

You can not escape it. Together, lots of people waiting the green light, waiting the bus, subway, squeezing into the transportation vehicles. Believe it or not, the metro train doors have been malfunction now and then because of this pressure. When the engineers design the next generation train, they need to reconsider how to make the door more robust. The metro operators have given out hints - when boarding the metro during rush hour, face inside, arms hold in front of your body, so be the bag if any. This way, the operators can push you in more efficiently. When the holiday comes, unless you stay at home, you will again in this ocean of people, mountain of people again.

China Income Tax Rate in 2007

This tax rate table can actually give you some interesting clues on the expectation of so called middle class income. 21K seems to be the dividing line. I guess it is based on some statistics.