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Duty Free?

After I bought a bottle of Hugo Boss perfume at a Shanghai's mall, I was thinking next time I should buy it at airport duty free shop. The price should be at least 30-50% cheaper. Yesterday I was in Singapore Changi airport. I checked the price. Surprisingly, the price is almost the same as I paid in local stores. Is it real duty free?

IP phone card price

To call international or domestic long distance, it is nice to buy a IP phone card for newcomer. There are plenty of places, especially around Metro stations, selling all kinds of IP cards. When I just arrived in Shanghai, I bought one with face value 100 CNY at 100 CNY. Several weeks later, I bought another one with face value 100 CNY at 28 CNY. Now I know I was ripped off on the first card. Doh! That mtoherfcuker!

Winter in Shanghai

The outside temperature is around zero degree these couple of days. Inside the house, it is around 12 degree. The feeling is about the same if you don't turn on the heater, air-con. Everything is cold, including your body. The feeling of watching TV on the coach? It is just like sitting on the street. It reminds me one word - penetrating, yes, the cold can really penetrate anything.

ICBC Bank website hacked

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) website got a special new year gift. The website portal is hacked at the beginning of 2007. The backend technology is exposure of cross site scripting (XSS). As ICBC claimed, the hack is more like a prank than deep finacial breakin. For the sake of bank industry, it is not good in any sense to see this page for customers.


看第一版, 还是一个很正经的报纸。有点参考消息的风格。从第二版开始,每版至少有1/3的牛逼广告。大致分为以下几类: —— 通过手机Callin的色情聊天,一个比一个大胆诱人,大概目的是赚手机费? —— 保证“真实“的女性争友广告。大概内容是女的很富,寂寞无子,愿意付若干万元求一夜情。大概是骗肾?或者银行信息? ——卖透视眼镜,迷情粉,万能钥匙。。。 ——还有就是治疗小鸡鸡的广告了。 国内变化大啊。

Apple sucks in China

Put its unreasonable price aside, the Apple computer simply doesn't do the job in China. Most chinese popular sites and softwares are only available on IE/Windows. I can not access China Mechandise Bank online banking, can't use eMule, can't watch Sina TV.


境外驾照换上海驾照全攻略 具体的政策就是参见下面的贴了。看起来很复杂的样,操作起来其实简单的很。 先去居住地派出所办理境外人士临时居住证明。有专门的窗口。立等可取,不收费。再坐地铁二号线到南京东路,去上海市外事翻译工作者协会,南京东路66号国旅商务楼702-4室翻译国外的驾驶执照。50元,立等可取。 有了这两个东西,加上护照,就可以办理了。先坐地铁一号线到莘庄。很远,在莘庄转地铁五号线。到春申路下车。过了马路就是。在里面一条龙服务-照相(40元),体检(60),复印,交表,考试,交费(55),领证。大概整个流程花半天的时间就搞定了。境外驾驶执照也不收回。