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Car is back

The mechanician told me the fault was because a wire is worn out. The towing charge is $45. Other than that, it is free of charge because the car is still under warranty. It still took me another $10 taxi free to get it, and $8 to taxi back home that evening. On the good side, I was forced to take a day off. I was thinking about to take some days off but the current project is totally overrun. Finally I got a chance to see the movie Banquet.

NTUC Incomeshield是个流氓保险

被它烦死了。After one year insured, we receive a letter ask to renew, we don't pay. if we dont pay, it means we dont want renew it. After several weeks, we receive 3 letters said they will deduct it from CPF automatically. So I called to cancel. The person answered the call just stupid enough to make no decision, and ask to call me back. They called back, and said will send me a form to cancel. I receive the form, this form is non-sense. No single option to cancel it. i called back, they told me an email address, ask me to send email to cancel, I thought it is done. Today I received the letter to ask me pay premium again. I am really out of control, yelled on the phone, and as expected, they will call me back. Fuck you, NTUC Incomeshield.

Car breaks down :(

Yesterday when I was driving home on fast lane, as usual 100-120km/h speed, suddently the car slow down. I tried to accelerate, but the car was like a dying horse. Turn on the emergency light, change 4 or 5 lanes, and get off the AYE expressway. Lucky me, there is a Shell gas station, and the car was able to struggle to reach it. At the gas station, the car was totally down. I had to wait there for about 45 minutes until a tow truck came. The car is still under 36 months or 100,000 km warranty, but as I was informed, the towing charge is not covered. I need check if my car insurance covers it.

Java Revisited

Singelton - use a public static final varible and a private constructor, to guarantee single instance. If serializable, provide readResolve() to return this instance. Magic GC - whenever a class (Stack) manages its own memory, be careful of memory leak. Another common source of leak is cache. LinkedHashMap.removeEldestEntry. Equals and Comparable - Override hashCode whenever override equals. Cloneable - all classes implement Cloneable should override clone with a public method. The method sould call super.clone first, and copy mutable fields. Better to use copy constructor. Proteced - private, package private(default), protected and public. Subclass method override superclass method can not have lower access level. Decorator - composition and forwarding

A paper worth 120 billion

I come across this paper on the internet - The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine . This paper is about a web search engine called Google. Now google is a 120 billion company. That's really the most amazing thing in IT after dot com boom.




小说的前半部分比较精彩, 用浓重笔墨栩栩如生的讲述了几位梁山好汉 - 林冲, 鲁智深, 武松, 杨志,穿插着交待了柴进, 史进, 晁盖等人智取生辰纲. 晁盖为梁山打下了第一桶金, 坐第一把交椅. 故事到这就出现了转折. 突然冒出个宋江. 令人难以置信, 怎莫江湖上就这好的名声. 按照当时的通信水平, 一个县吏, 实在不知道怎得就人人都想拜他做大哥. 然后就莫名其妙的收了诸多江湖好汉. 上了梁山, 虽然坐第二把交椅, 但是俨然是大哥. 次次都是他领着弟兄出去火拼. 次次都大获全胜, 还能收不少弟兄. 晁盖在山上的地位岌岌可危, 终于要出山一次. 就这一次, 就在曾头市被射死. 宋江自然坐了第一把交椅, 虽然晁盖死时交待的条件也不管用了, 也从侧面反映了晁盖的地位. 小说的高潮部分就是108条好汉大聚义. 其实里头凑数的混混不少, 特别是72地煞星. 最后打方腊, 真正是天有定数, 稀里哗啦的几乎都死光了. 小说里还有个事实, 就是当时人吃人肉好像很普遍啊.