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Jurong East Swimming Complex

The swimming pool in NTU starts at 1.4m, not suitable for small kids. We went to Jurong East Swimming Complex. This complex facilities look very similar to the Wild Wild Wet in the east. The ticket is just $2 per entry while that WWW costs $15. Because it is cheap, this complex has much more people inside. I saw quite a few with tattoos. Cool.

No smoking sign

Watch out this sign before you light the cigarette up. SGD 1000 fine! However, I wonder if someone had really paid so much for violation.


Good or bad, there are tons of acronyms in Singapore. One is CPF. Something like social security fund, but is much better. Only Singapore citizen and PR can have it. There are 3 type CPF accounts associated with you - Ordinary 2.5% APR, Special 4% APR, and Medisave 4% APR. The interest is good, if you consider the normal local bank's 0.2% APR. A percentage of your salary is automatically put into these accounts. Event better, the employer will put the same amount of money as while, so it is just as salary raise. Because it is so good, you can't put in your money as much as you want. There is a cap. Only SGD 4500 of your salary is eligible for CPF. The percentage for CPF starts low, and increase year by year. Mine starts with 5%.


Oh-yah! Free to go. The expressway in Singapore has very good quality. Because of the frequent thunderstorm, they use some special paving materials which is very good - even in the rain, the road looks dry. Look the trees along the roadside. How nice :)