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Unique Millenia Walk Roof

Millenia Walk is located across the street from Suntec City Carrefour. It is also a hub to Marina Square. The roof is the same style as Millenia Tower. From inside, look up, the roof of Millenia Walk looks dazzling.

Evening at Singapore Marina Bay

The view of Singapore city from the Esplanade atrium. Nice and perfect match of a summer evening. Since there is only one season in Singapore, you can catch it anytime. People are chilling along the river bank. Some amateur bands are performing. A few vendors are selling cotton candy, soda drinks.

Myopia (short-sightedness) in Singapore

Myopia is a problem in Singapore. As of 2004, 80% of 18-year-old mail recruits are myopic, up from 25% just 30 years ago. People believe it maybe related to Asian genes. Who knows, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, China, lots of people are wearing glasses. I think it maybe related to the life style change in these countries. We are now living in an environment that all you see everyday are nearby. Sitting in front computers. Buildings all around. For small kids, they are spending more time than before on close objects - books, video games, TV, computers. There are new tech to cure, such as laser eye surgery. It sounds scary to me in a long run. Maybe it is time for human being's sight gene to adjust.

Dog Year 2006

2006 is the dog year in China lunar calendar. There are lots of good expectations in this year because dog is man's best friend. Chinese love to get married in dog year, and get baby born in this year too. So good wishes here! This dog is made with clay, and looks really cute. Yes, it is Shaanxi fork art too.

Gas Price

Once a week, I pump the car. The major gas stations are SPC, Shell, Chevron, and Mobil. The gas price is regulated by Singapore Government. So it doesn't matter which gas station you go, the price is the same. To attract customer, the gas stations issue the loyalty card. You can accumulate the points and get some rewards in turn. I pumped the car at Shell Boon Lay. The gas is labeled as Shell 98, 95, and 90. For Shell 98, it is SG$1.757/L. With 42.12 litres (my car is 55 litres capacity), the total is SG$74.00. After 10% discount, it is SG$66.60. I also accumulate 42 points.


金台观就在陕西宝鸡市区北面的原上,近的很。现在也不用爬坡, 打的直接到门口。金台观是明代著名道士张三丰所建,用来修炼的所在。金台观里的玉皇阁,三清殿、太子殿、灵官殿、白衣大士殿、太皇宫、娘娘殿等都很有特色。据说张三丰在这里悟出可太极拳和内家拳, 自然道的修为也是出神入化。现在里头还有一棵张三丰当年种的树。我喜欢去金台观,因为比较幽静,而且还可以鸟瞰宝鸡市区全景。过去观里还有个青铜器博物馆。里头的东西都是商周时代的, 很有历史意义啊。现在在公园附近新建了个青铜器博物馆, 东西都搬过去了。金台观就越发的幽静了。 正所谓古诗云:不为依陈宝,浮云自往来。三峰留玉洞,一杖下金台。海岳归何处?君王召不回。无生本无地,人世漫徘徊。