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buyer experience at gewara

I bought the movie ticket online before. The experience was okay. I bought the tickets at Gewara for the movie the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf this weekend, the buyer experience was great. The ticket price at box office is CNY90. The price on the Gewara? CNY60. After I paid online, I received the SMS confir mation message. On the same day, I received another reminder for the movie. When we arrived the theater, there was a Gewara stand to handle the ticket for us. They gave out the franchised Calendar, Card, Pin as while. It is a successful marketing for themselves, since all the kids around want the free gifts. Before the movie start, they hosted a small prize draw for all the Gewara buyers. The movie itself sucks.


I get lucky and won the second prize during the company's annual party. It is a compact 10" Asus notebook. Since I have too many computers, I sold it at CNY 2000. With that money, I bought something very fun at Taobao . It is a Wii set, with a Wii console, 2 controllers, and a Wii Fit. The price is CNY 2000. Wii is not officially released in China mainland market, so all the Wii are smuggling version. I am now jogging, skating, boxing at home. I know, it is not the same as real outdoors sports, at least I can do some exercises with fun, instead of just sitting in the coach. The detail product spec and reviews are available at Amazon .


因为上海全市从去年起就大搞建设,为世博做贡献,满大街都是土方车,搅拌车等等大型基建车辆,轰隆隆的呼啸而过。特别是最近以来,几乎每天撞死一人的频率,成为大家关注的焦点。土方车因为体积大,车身高,往往撞上就是被卷入车下,碾压而过,惨不忍睹。这则新闻就很有意义。不管多么强大,这个世界上总有更强大的。 昨天深夜11时许,松江书林路近新车公路处一火车道口发生险情。由于道口栏杆在火车将至时没有及时放下,一辆混凝土搅拌车正巧驶来,与火车机车头猛烈碰撞。搅拌车的混凝土滚筒和车轮被撞飞,车身被火车头拖行约50米,严重扭曲变形;幸好30多岁的司机躲过一劫,自行爬出车外,并无大碍。 2010年 ●1月26日上午8时40分,长宁区古北路茅台路路口,一辆土方车小转弯时撞倒一辆电瓶车,车上36岁的母亲和年仅5岁的儿子头部遭碾压,当场身亡。 ●1月26日上午8时30分左右,浦东新区东陆公路杨高北路路口,一辆未挂牌照的搅拌车将一名过路口的骑电瓶车的妇女当场压死。 ●1月23日18时45分许,杨浦区政立路淞沪路口,一辆土方车在拐弯时,将一骑电瓶车的42岁安徽籍女子撞倒,经医院抢救无效死亡。 (1月19日晚8时许,中兴路大统路路口,一辆土方车车速过快,拦腰撞上一辆红色出租车,所幸未造成人员伤亡。) ●1月19日9时许,曹安路黄家花园路口,一土方车小转弯时与一辆电动车相撞。驾驶电动车的1名40岁左右女性当场死亡。土方车驾驶员称,事发时电动车在车道上逆向行驶。但目击者称土方车转弯过小。 ●1月18日晚22时30分许,杨浦区黄兴路控江路路口,一辆搅拌车在小转弯时撞倒一辆直行的自行车后继续一路拖行,骑车的16岁女孩死亡。 ●1月18日上午8点15分左右,普陀区真光路、近武宁路路口,一名82岁高龄的老太太被一辆高速行驶的大型车撞倒后拖行数米,老人被撞重伤,肇事车当场逃逸。目击者称肇事车可能是土方车。 ●1月10日11时左右,杨浦区军工路海安路口,一辆搅拌车右转弯时撞死一名骑车女子。 ●1月6日下午,静安区常德路愚园路口,一辆水泥搅拌车在小转弯时挂倒一辆助动车,骑车男子半个身子被卷入轮下,左腿受伤。 ●1月6日上午10点左右,闵行区金都路、都会路路口“星河湾一期”商品房工地内,一辆土方车在倒车时,车速过快,轧死一名59岁工人。死者只在工地上了一天的班。 ●1月4日15时左右,华夏西路沪南路路口,一辆右转的土方车与...

a HD media player

This HD media player sold on newegg china is a good deal. It comes with compact design, in the size of a textbook, at a competitive price of 299CNY (below 50USD). It supports any USB storage, decodes and plays many video formats, such as TS、TP、MKV、RM、RMVB、AVI、MPG、DAT、VOB、MOV, plus image, music and picture. To watch a HD movie, all it takes is a USB key and a HDMI cable to the HD TV.

Google back down, and Baidu COO/CTO out.

No official news from Google yet, but it seems Google is back down to stay in China. Certainly the 2 biggest search engines in China recently stir a whole lot of stuffs recently. Now Baidu CTO and COO are all out for "personal reason". If in a conspiracy world, the rumor said that insiders from Google stole the source code, and maybe sold to some interested parties?


abc here stands for agricultural bank of china, which is still in grade one, or maybe pre -school level. first of all, what the lame name for a bank. i have a bank account with this abc bank, because my house loan was from this bank. the online banking never works, even after the system upgrade, " yah , we have a new system, but we don't allow you to access it." try this , it will always say wrong password. yesterday, when i was trying to get some money from abc's atm , i met the weird failure. after i entered the password, and amount of money, it aborted with communication failure and emitted my card. even worse, i heard the machine was counting the money after that! i had to stay here, to make sure there are no bills out. after waiting for a while, the machine was quite down. i went to another atm to get cash, and make sure the previous transaction was terminated successfully. luckily, it was the cas...